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He looked up and looked down at Emperor Jingdi. He smiled and ridiculed. "Impossible? Hehe, tell you the truth, your son was really dead, and he watched him die."

The voice of Dongfang Xuan is soft and soft, and the smile is horrible, causing people to tremble from the bottom of my heart.

"The period of March has passed. If Nangong Liuyun does not die, climbs and climbs out, but I can't come yet? Hahaha, he said that he is dead, but he still doesn't believe it!"

The oriental laughter is arrogant and arrogant.

There is a little bit of hope in the heart of Jingdi, and it instantly turns into ashes.

Nangong Liuyun is dead. Who else in the Nanjin Nangong family can resist the insults of the Oriental Xuan?


Nowadays, the strength of the Oriental Xuan has reached the holy level, and no one in the Nangong family dares to fight. Even the ancestor does not work.

Jingdi’s heart is desperate to the extreme.

Oriental Xuan gesture leaned back on the dragon chair leisurely, and lost amethyst grape in his mouth leisurely, and the mouth screamed like a sinister: "To tell you the truth, the destruction of your Nangong family is just because of a woman."

Jingdi’s heart suddenly came up, staring at the oriental mysterious eyes.

The oriental Xuan Xuan said: "The name of the woman is called Su Luo!"

"Impossible!" King of the King did not believe that the Nangong family was destroyed in the hands of the Soviet Union.

"Hey!" Dongfang Xuan coldly screamed, "If it is not because of her, Nangong Liuyun is still a good younger brother in this seat, this seat will be enemies with him? If it is not him, Nangong royal family and Yaochi Li family combined, strong cooperation And who else dares to bully? If it weren't for her, will Nangong Liuyun go to the dragon's secret? Will it die?"

Dongfang Xuan step by step, Jingdi stepped back.

"Your prince, your queen, your loved ones...all because of the fall!"

"Ha ha ha, so I said that the death of Nangong Liuyun is all caused by the Soviet Union! The destruction of the Nangong family is all because of the Soviet Union! So, hate, you hate that stinky girl!"

The oriental mysterious arm stretched, grabbed the neck of King Jing, and held him in the face, and looked horrible and horrible: "Now, you can also die!"

Because there is no Nangong Liuyun, Jingdi has not used value.

Looking at Jingdi's face turned from white to red, watching him slamming his legs, the oriental Xuan proudly laughed, "Not only you, next, Beichen Palace, Luyu Hall, the night family... This seat will kill one by one, kill The film does not stay, hahahahaha!!!"

Beichen Shadow, Beichen Shadow Family.

Falling feather hall, blue rendering family.

The dark night family, the dark night family.

They are all brothers of Nangong Liuyun, so Dong Xuan is not going to let go.

Now, he is already mad and desperate!

"I don't want to live?" The Xuanzang of the East stared at Jingdi and couldn't help laughing.

Jingdi’s face was purple, and although he struggled constantly, his struggle for Dong Xuan was like a big tree, and it had no use at all.

"Oh ah..." The hoarse voice in Jingdi’s mouth.

"I want to live, can." Dongfang Xuan pointed to the people on the ground, "Like them, like a dog, surrender to this seat, hahaha!"

Inside the hall, there are a few people who are sparse.

Among them is Su Zian, the father of Su Luo.

"Su Zian, come, call a voice to listen to this seat." Oriental Xuan laughed haha ​​and smashed Su Zian.

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