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Once there was one person under the 10,000 people, the unprotected general of the country, Su Zian, at this time, like a real dog, the mouth screamed.

Dong Xuan smiled very happy.

On one side is the family of Nangong Liuyun, and on the other hand, the family of Su Luo, but now they are like a dog.

The thrill of this is not enough for outsiders.

"Nan Gong Liu Yun will not die! He will come back to revenge his old man!" Jing Di has anger, annoyance, humiliation, and unwillingness...

But in the end, he slammed his neck and died.

In order not to live like Su Zi'an, Jingdi bit his tongue.

Dong Xuan looked at Jingdi, who was blinded by his eyes, and stunned, but then, just like throwing trash, he left Jingdi at his feet.

The imperial emperor, who died but was casually thrown into a ball, is a great humiliation for the entire Nangong royal family.

Su Zi'an looked at the emperor who died in the air, and his heart flashed a sense of coziness, but then, his heart was excited again.

Great hatred!

Looking at the oriental mysterious body, the Soviet Union and Nangong Liuyun are really dead!

The Nangong Liuyun is nothing, but the Soviet Union... Su Zian’s eyes flashed a sneer. The skunk head that turned out the family couldn’t last for a few days. Isn’t it dead now?

"Come, come to the Nangong family... to kill them!"

Suddenly, he flew four figures behind him.

These four figures are the hands of Dong Xuan, the tenth-order strength.

Four people flew in four directions like a wolf.

In the hands of the fire, seeing the entire palace will be destroyed in a flash.

Many people are afraid to speak out.

Once the palace is burned, the rule of the Nangong royal family is really over.

It is at this critical moment.

Two figures flew from far and near.


The bright voice came from far away.

When the sound stopped, the two figures were shot like an arrow on the palace.

Bei Chenying looked at Jingdi, who was lying on the ground with his eyes open.

He does not care about the identity of this emperor, but he has to pay attention to the identity of the old man of Nangong Liuyun.

Bei Chen Ying was anxious, and made three steps and rushed up.

His fingers were placed on Jingdi’s breath.

There is no breath.

"He, dead,?" Beichen Yingying was on the spot, then slowly got up, turned around, staring at the oriental Xuan, staring like a wolf.

Dong Xuan saw North Chen Ying, and there was a hint of surprise in his heart.

However, when he thought that when Bei Chen Ying and Zi Yan were at the door, they immediately released it, and then they were ridiculed: "I thought you would be buried for your so-called brother, life is not self-contained. Already?"

Dong Xuan is watching the explosion of the fallen red lotus.

Therefore, he subconsciously thought that there was no residue left in the Nangong Liuyun and Sulu.

"Who told you, Nangong Liuyun died?" Beichen Shadow step by step, slowly going up, and finally stood in front of Dongfang Xuan, staring at him coldly and proudly, looking at him with the look of an idiot, "You committed death, I still don't know, it's stupid!"


When he was crowned with stupid two Oriental Xuan, he was not happy. He suddenly laughed and laughed as if he heard the best jokes under the sun.

"Stupid? Are you talking about this stupid?" Dong Xuan stopped laughing and approached Beichen Ying. His eyes were as fierce and fierce as a hungry wolf. "Good, very good! Very good!"

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