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"Master, the disciples are not filial! Master has worked hard for more than ten years, but the disciple's body has been repaired, but it has been ruined by the Soviet Union... Ask the Master to be the disciple!"

Li Yaoyao added all the crimes to the Soviet Union.

Her solemnity is true. If she does not know the truth, anyone will believe it.

The brow of the master of the city is wrinkled deeper.

Li Yaoyao’s heart was slightly delighted.

Master is angry, does this mean that...

Just when Li Yaoyao felt that things seemed to turn around, the urban master suddenly slammed his lips, revealing a cruel and extremely sneer: "What do you want to do for the teacher?"

Calm, indifferent, but there is a kind of horror and trepidation from the deepest bottom of my heart.

Under the powerful pressure of the city's adults, Li Yaoyao bites his teeth and makes a word, killing her wish: "Psychologist, want to fall, die!"

The face of the owner of the city has always been a face, but at this time he smiled like a dazzling sun.

But this smile is in the eyes of others, but it is like a reminder.

No one dares to look up.

All quietly hang their heads.

The owner of the city looked at Li Yaoyao in an unpredictable way, and his eyes turned to the body of Su Luo, and slowly asked her: "Shantou, what is your wish?"

It is another very different attitude towards the Soviet Union.

And this attitude, let Li Yaoyao's face brush completely whitened!

At this time, Li Yaoyao, his fists were tightly held, and the hard nails were deeply plunged into the meat, and the palm of his hand was bloody.

She has a very bad feeling.

Very very bad premonition...

Li Yaoyao regretted, and she regretted that she should not ran out to tell the Master.

But there is no regret in the world.

Therefore, Li Yaoyao can only swallow the bitter fruit he brewed.

I saw Su Luo smiled and stood up, looking relaxed, gestures and arms around, slowly watching Li Yaoyao, and faintly sweeping Li Yiyuan and Li Laozi.

In the end, Su’s line of sight was fixed on Li Yaoyao’s face. Her smile was full of meaning, and she said, “I want, Yaochi Lijia, on the mainland, besides the name!”


Good words!

What she wants is not the life of a person, but the demise of the Yao family of Yaochi!

When Su’s words came out, Li Yaoyao only felt that his eyes were black and almost fainted.

However, Li Yiyuan and Li Laozi did not care so much.

Because they profoundly know the foundation of the Yaochi Li family.

The city of Purgatory City is not a madman. How can it be because of the swearing head of the Soviet Union that the hair is still not long, and the Yaochi Li family is extinct?

"Ha ha ha ha ha, this is really the best joke in the sky! Yao Chi Li Jia, just rely on you a stinky girl, said extinction will be extinct? Do not look in the mirror to see who you are!" Li Weiyuan angered and laughed, angered Su Luo.

His fingers were so straight and pointed at the Soviet Union.


Only a clear bone fracture sounded.

Then there was a scream of Li Xiaoyuan.


Everyone only felt that a small white shadow flashed, and then it was Yin Hong’s blood rush.

When I fixed my eyes, Li Zhiyuan’s right hand was already the same as the previous Oriental Xuan, and it was broken!

The cuts are neat.

Everyone is incredibly looking at the Soviet Union.

"I don't have this ability." Su Luo slowly denied.

Of course, I know that you don't have the ability to do this. Isn't that everyone dare not look at the urban master? Everyone spits in his heart.

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