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Indeed, the hand that was just now is the handwriting of the master of the city.

The master of the city did not see how to move. When the eyes were at a glance, Li’s arm was cut.

"Hey!" Li Yaoyao saw that Li Xiaoyuan had such a tragedy, both distressed, angry and wronged, and rushed to the hurry.

Li Yuyuan’s painful brows wrinkled.

But he still tried to hold back his anger, and he couldn't believe the starring man. The whole body trembled with anger.

"Dare to ask the urban master, why is this?!"

Li Xiaoyuan completely can't figure it out!

The owner of the city was slow and looked at him. He snorted coldly: "I need to explain this as you?"


This is indeed the style of the urban master to do things.

The gloom is uncertain, the mood is erratic, and you can do whatever you want.

Li Xiaoyuan dared not to speak with anger and anger. He could only look down on the Soviet Union with his eyes and hate.

However, when he stared at the Soviet Union with a murderous gaze, he saw two white awns bursting into his eyes!

Such speed, such power, is so powerful that it is unimaginable to human beings.

Then there were two screams.

Li Xiaoyuan, who has no resistance, has suddenly exploded into pieces!

In the dark eyes, the flesh and blood are blurred, the blood is like a note, and people are shocked and can't bear to look straight.

The urban master seemed to be in a good mood this time, and he sighed slowly and slowly, and then explained: "You should not look at my family with hateful eyes."

Just because people look at Su Luo with hatred in their homes, so one of the top ten forces, the head of the Yaochi Li family, and the eyes of the Yaochi? Isn’t your home a gimmick to give you a look?

Everyone is so spit in the heart.

But what about the spit? In the face of absolute strength, even if he was abolished by a pair of eyes, Li Yiyuan of an arm, he is not afraid to speak out? Although he was so full of tremors as a sieve.

For the maintenance of the Purgatory City Lord, the Soviet Union is very flattered.

However, such maintenance has raised an unconscious fear in her heart.

Talking about laughing and smashing the smoke, saying that the owner of the city looks like this?

Deliberate, arrogant, moody, paranoid and short-shouldered... Being sheltered by such a purgatory city owner, who will happily faint?

However, there was a slight apology in Su’s heart, only because she had heard people say that the city owner was not her relative.

At this time, with the shot of the master of the city, the silence is terrible.

It was only at this moment that everyone was deeply aware of the situation in which the masters of the city had reached the maintenance of the Soviet Union.

Li Yaoyao did not even dare to look up to see the Soviet Union, even though she could not wait to peel the skin from the Soviet Union, and wished to drink its blood.

She is convinced that if she also looks at Su Luo with that kind of hatred, then the next moment, the person who has been abandoned is her.

Time is still.

Suddenly, the Lord of Purgatory looked at the eastern sky and his brow wrinkled slightly.

Master Yun Yun’s vision is also looking in the same direction.

There seems to be something moving there.

But Su Luo was confused because she could not sense anything.

However, Nangong Liuyun, his eyes also looked at the East, sparkling in the middle.

"Hurry up." The urban master looked at Li Xiaoyuan and looked at him. "Suicide, he killed?"

Even the big man of the city has no more words.

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