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In his eyes, except for a few people, the rest of the people were ants, and the ants who died and injured a large piece of ants.

Li Xiaoyuan suddenly stopped.

Subsequently, he hardened his neck and blushes his face. His eyes stared at the lord of the city. It was difficult to conceal his anger in his voice: "Yao Chi Li Jia once retreats, is it true that Purgatory City will not kill it?"

"Yeah." In the face of Li Xiaoyuan's grief and anger, our urban masters, but nodded coldly.

Li Yuyuan is absolutely mad at it!

Li Yaoyao is also a disciple of the city owner. On the relationship, he and the city owner are equal!

"Yaochi Lijia is one of the top ten families in the mainland. You are not a city owner. You can decide to live and die!" Li Weiyuan lost some reason, and he dared to challenge the city owner.

Then the consequences of provocation are -


A clear voice came, and Li’s head on his neck shook and then rolled off the ground.

Whether it is Yaochi Lijia, or Tianchi Lijia, Laozi wants to kill and kill.

It is so arrogant!

This is the answer given to him by the great man of the city.

Unfortunately, Li Xiaoyuan could not hear the answer in his life.


Seeing the falling head, Li Yaoyao broke out with a scream!

She looked at her father's head and rolled down her neck... It was terrible!

Li Yaoyao kept screaming.

The sound is fierce.

Everyone was shocked.

I looked at the city owner unbelievably.

I have long heard that the lord of the city is killing people, cruel and ruthless, but until I see it, I know what is really cold!

Talking and laughing, when I raised my hand, I waved, and the owner of Yaochi Li’s family was gone!

The Li family father was stunned.

He did not expect that the master of the city will be so embarrassed! So unrelenting!

He stared at his son's head, his son who kept squirting blood on his neck, and for a moment he didn't know how to react!

He wants to rush to take revenge, but his footsteps are numb and stiff and he can't step out.

Reason tells him to avenge the lord of the city, that is to smash the tree and hit the stone with eggs.

Dong Xuan looked silly at all of this, staring at Su’s, squeaking in his mind...

Originally, he had already overestimated the status of the Soviet Union in Master's mind, but until now, he really really, deeply, realized what is called short!

What is the short? This is called short!

Originally, Dongfang Xuan thought that the Soviet Union would destroy the Yaojia Lijiaquan, but it was just a matter of saying that Master is not a fool. How could he promise?

But now it seems that Master is not a fool, but Master will definitely promise this super rude request, because the person who is raised is a Soviet.

Oriental Xuan is speechless!

He grabbed his head and fell into a frenzied situation.

He completely wondered if there was any magic in the Soviet Union? A group of people such as Nangong Liuyun will turn around her.

Even Lian Rongyun, the master of his own master, who is a super-extraordinary master, has repeatedly made an exception for her, protecting her to the extreme.

The panic around, ending with a cough from the owner of the city.

"I really want to take revenge?" The urban master dismissed the old man's eyes disdainfully.

Father Li’s lips trembled constantly and his fists clenched.

Su Luo met and could not help but sigh.

Once, Father Li was also a big man with a hand-to-eye, but in front of the city master, isn’t he still afraid to speak?

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