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The master of the city seems to know the scruples in the heart of Su Luo. He screamed twice and lost a token. He said: "That is good, and it will be taken out as a last resort. As for this gold token, it is usually used. use."

The tokens of Purgatory City are divided into five categories.

They are bronze, silver, gold, jade, and the only diamond card owned by the master of the city.

Su Luoyuan thought that the owner of the city would not take this small thing into consideration, but he did not expect that he even considered the details. She suddenly felt flattered.

"If it wasn't for your broken master who wanted you to start grinding from a young disciple, why bother to do so." The urban master frowned, and seemed to be dissatisfied with Master Yun's decision.

However, he immediately smiled at Su Luo: "No matter, you will give that diamond card to the elders, and he will shelter you in the big things."

"There is this thing, you hold it, as for the usage, you can find it by looking for the purple sable." The master of the city handed a small metal ship to the Soviet Union.

This metal vessel is the size of a fist and looks like an ornament. The Soviet Union has no idea what to do with it.

"Thank you, Father." But Su Luo sincerely thanked.

"Cultivate well, find your mother in the future, and I will explain to her." The broad palm of the city owner slammed his head and smiled.

"You are leaving?" asked Su Luo.

"There is news of your mother in front." After that, the figure of the urban master gradually disappeared into place.

The urban master hurried away.

Mother's news? I hope this news is true.

Master and righteous father are all one-on-one. If it is a Soviet Union, she does not know which one to choose.

At this point, Su Luo held two tokens in his hand, standing in the same place, sighing in a secluded sigh.

Because the next day is about to go, so after the tokens are collected, the Soviet Union will go to Nangong Liuyun.

However, when she pushed the door of Nangong Liuyun, but did not see him, Su’s heart suddenly panicked.

After looking for it all over, I didn't find him. Finally, Zi Yan saw the letter on the desk.

Nangong Liuyun left a letter and left.

Su shuddered and opened the letter.

There are only two words.

wait for me.

Su Luo suppressed the feeling of depression, took a deep breath, and smiled at Zi Yan: "Go and pack things, we will go to Purgatory City tomorrow."

Zi Yan knows that Su is in a bad mood, patted her shoulder and comforted: "There is no separation of sorrow, how can there be a reunion? You will be able to meet soon."

Su Luo smiled and nodded: "Yes, I will meet soon."

There is a righteous father in the city of Purgatory, even if it is from a young disciple, the Soviet Union does not feel hard.

But stinging...

The mysterious organization, where is so easy to mix in, not to mention the fact that he has to gain the trust of the other side, thus cultivating the core secrets.

Su Luo frowned and closed his eyes in exhaustion.

From the Eastern Jin Dynasty to the Purgatory City, it takes a long way to go through a dangerous zone that is extremely rare for many people. At least, it takes a month to go with the strength of the Soviet Union and others.

If you add three injuries in the team, the Soviet Union lamented that for two months, I don’t know if I can get there.

However, these problems were solved in the purple scorpion when they saw the Soviet Union’s golden ship in their hands.

"Where did you come from this thing?" Seeing the Soviets falling back and forth with the little gold boat, Zi Yan rushed up to grab the objects in the hands of Su Luo.

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