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"The father gave it, but I don't know what it is for playing." Su Luo said with a smile. "Master asked me to ask you."

"I'm right to ask me!" Zi Yan was so excited that he couldn't help himself. "You just don't worry, how do we get three injured people on the road? It's simple now!"

Su Luo pointed curiously at the small gold ship of the size of the fist. "Is it?"

"Yes, rely on it!" Zi Yan was very excited. "You don't underestimate it. This is not an ordinary model boat. Come and give me a drop of blood."

Said, Zi Yan will pull the hand of Su Luo.

Su Luo was confused by the movement of Zi Yan, but still gave her a drop of blood very obediently.

The bright red blood rolled on the small gold boat.

Then Su Luo found that a message came in his mind.

"I understand now?" Zi Yan looked at Su Luo with a smile, obviously very good mood.

"Yeah." Su Luo smiled and nodded.

Su Luo closed her eyes and she was able to clearly feel that the golden ship contained some strange power.

"It gets bigger." Su Luo gently gave orders.

With the order of the Soviet Union, this fist-sized gold ship actually grew bigger and bigger.

Su Luo felt in her mind that she waited for a stop when the golden ship was big enough for five people to live.

Then, it was inside the gold ship.

Su Luo was surprised to find that she could use the images in her mind to change the internal pattern of the gold ship at will.

As long as she can imagine, the gold boat can simulate it.

For example, Su Luo imagined five comfortable beds, so there were five more boats inside the gold ship.

Of course, the material is still metallic.

The gift of the gift of the righteous father is really too affordable.

It is difficult for him to be a high-ranking city owner, but he can think so carefully.

"Come on, welcome to the 9527 spaceship." The Soviets stood outside the gold ship and made a welcome gesture.

"God, so a small gold boat can really get bigger? Can it really fly?" Beichen Ying was very curious, surrounded by the spaceship with great interest, excitedly reaching for touch.

The material of the metal is cold and cold, but the tentacles are cold, but Beichen Shadow feels that this material is very hard. Do you know if the super strong can break the defense? For him, there is definitely no way to break it.

"The gift from the city owner can still have a fake?" Su Luo did not raise his eyebrows and smiled. "Go up, with it, it will be easy along the way."

A group of people sneaked in and chose their own beds.

"Spaceship 9527, now starting." Su's hand pointed forward.

In the middle of the wave, the gold boat actually flew up.

In fact, it is not necessary.

Just in the moment when the blood of the fall and the gold ship merged, the gold ship was completely controlled by her.

As long as she has a good idea, the heart of the ship will fly to the destination.

"It's amazing, I want to play a game." Bei Chenying curiously looked at Xiqiao, which was extremely rare.

"This thing you, don't even think about it." Zi Yan did not swear.

"Why?" Beichen Ying was not convinced.

"Have you ever heard of this gold ship? Have you seen it?" Zi Yan looked at Beichen Shadow with a look at the dumplings.

"This is not." Beichen Yingshi tell the truth.

"This gold ship is in the city of Purgatory, but it is not something that ordinary disciples can have." Zi Yan explained, "In addition to Master, there are only three elders, but their gold ship is not good." ""

Only the masters of the city who are prepared for the fall of the Soviet Union are so generous.

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