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After deciding on this incident, Su Luo turned his attention to the Luo Qingyun girl.

"Do you want to leave, or do you want to stay?"

Su Luo did not have the habit of arbitrarily killing.

What's more, in her opinion, although this girl is cold and selfish, she has not broken down to the roots, so she is willing to give her a chance to live.

"You... want to let me go?" After Luo saw the silver medal of Zi Yan, her heart had already retired.

In fact, Luo Qingyun understands that the token will definitely not be a murderer, because if this is the case, she will not dare to come back to the city of Purgatory, then the only answer that can be explained is that she is a disciple of the inner city!

At the thought of this, Luo Qingyun's face was white.

She thought of the strength of this team on the road, and thought of her arrogance to them... She was shocked and scared in her heart, and she couldn’t help but hear that Su Luo said that she would let her go, and her heart was suddenly shocked.

"You really don't... kill me?" Luo Qingyun shivered.

"Why kill you?" The Soviet Union took a faint look.

However, as a normal situation, not all should kill people to win points... Luo Qingyun saw Su Luo do not understand, the heart suddenly happy, she grabbed the bronze token in the hands of Su Luo, which belongs to her, flying Generally running forward, the speed is like a bird of surprise.

"How can I be afraid of this? Do I still steal her points?" Su Luo smiled and touched his chin and asked Zi Yan, "I am so fierce?"

Zi Yan smiled: "In fact, in Purgatory City, killing people and taking points is a very common thing. You will gradually understand later."

Purgatory City, Purgatory City, called Purgatory, and can you be peaceful?

"How much points can I have with her strength?" Bei Chenying didn't care.

"No, in fact, the points in her token are really a lot, at least not worse than me." Zixiao smiled.

When she left Purgatory City, her strength was still very weak, so she did not drop any points.

Don't think that the disciples of the city have preferential treatment. In fact, they have no privilege in treatment, even stricter than the average disciple. She was also a bronze medal. She was the third brother who gave her this silver medal.

Su Luo put the Luo Qingyun girl out, in fact, to protect her own cards. Because there is gravity space in hand, it is very useful in group attack, but she does not want to expose the card soon, so it is best to leave the girl.

After the rest of the people took a break, they discussed the countermeasures.

Because the power of dark night and blue rendering is relatively large, this battle is based on honing them, supplemented by harvest points.

In other words, try to give them the opportunity to fight.

Only when encountering a powerful BOSS, such as the Four Winged Angels and the Six Winged Angels, Sue will help.

After the rest, under the leadership of Zi Yan, everyone began to move forward.

The Angel Castle looked great from the outside, and after walking inside, it became more and more wide and boundless.

There is no such an unsightly Luo Qingyun girl, everyone is a lot of self-sufficiency, and speaking is not so scrupulous.

Zi Yan walked to the popular science castle. "The angel castle is big outside, but there is no hole in it, because the space inside has been expanded by Master. As for how big inside, no one knows."

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