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"So how do we get out when we get there?" Su said while looking around.

“It’s not difficult to go out, every hall has a card-sweeper.” The purple scorpion pointed to the black lacquered handprint on the wall, explaining: “Just put the token on the card, I will go out automatically, but if I want to come in after going out, I have to go every other month, so many times, we will not easily brush out unless there is a moment of life and death."

"It's really advanced, it's better than the scientific civilization." Su looked at the dark handprint and shook his head in amazement. "This handprint should be left by the urban master?"

"Yes, it is said that the whole city of Purgatory is the hand of the teacher's father." Purple eyes flashed with pride.

"Right, what happened to those Warcraft? How did it seem that I have never seen it before?" asked the dark night curiously.

He also counted Bogutong today, but those of Warcraft actually couldn't name them, which made him feel a little frustrated.

Zi Yan heard a smile and said: "Will those Warcraft? You have never seen it, because it is all about our plane."

"What?" Su Luo felt very curious. "It's not all of us in this plane. What does this mean? Is it that there is another plane in this continent?"

Zi Yan nodded, and there was a seriousness between the looks: "I have heard this inadvertently mentioned by Master. Master said that there are countless planes in the whole universe. There are so many material planes like us. And these Warcraft are from material planes that are similar to our ranks."

When Su Luo heard this kind of information for the first time, he felt a little embarrassed.

She always thought that the mainland was very big. When she stood at the peak of the whole continent, she could turn over and rain, and she could do everything. But now, listening to the meaning of Zi Zi, there are countless planes in the universe that are similar to the mainland.

"They can come over, then can we also pass?" There was a hint of excitement in Su’s heart.

Zi Yan heard the words and shook his head: "The reason why Master is not in Purgatory City is because he is wandering in countless planes. He seems to be looking for someone..."

After all, Zi Yan’s eyes fell on the Su’s body, and he lowered his voice and said, “I never understood it before, but that time in the Eastern Jin Palace, Master’s attitude towards you, I want to ask... Are you with your mother? looks alike?"

No one in this world is a fool.

Although no one said at the time, everyone could guess more or less.

Su Luo smiled and looked indifferent: "That is the matter between the elders, let them solve it themselves. We are younger, we have to talk about it."

Zi Yan also smiled: "There is nothing wrong with it. Right, just said that those Warcraft are brought back by Master from the time of the various planes, and I don’t know how Master did it. Anyway, these Warcraft brains. The crystal nucleus and the token are linked together. As long as the Warcraft is killed, the token will be scanned and the score will automatically appear on the token. Is it magic?"

"Specially magical." Sulu is full of praise. This hand played by the master of the city, it is really like the two-dimensional code played by modern people, and I don’t know how the old man did it.

"Only this Angel Castle has the chance to brush World of Warcraft to redeem points? Isn't that crowded?" Blue-eyed curiously looked around, but found that the surroundings were quiet, as if the entire Angel Castle had only their team. .

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