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"You think wrong. In fact, Angel Castle is not very important compared to the practice site of Purgatory City, because the World of Warcraft here is mostly below the tenth order, so there are not so many people who choose to experience here, and after entering the city. You will find that everywhere in the suburbs, every place is a perfect place to practice tempering." Zixiao smiled. "As for the Angel Castle, it is generally used to try out the tower for those who first entered the Purgatory City."

The Purgatory City is not so good. If you want to enter the Purgatory City, you must pass the test of the Angel Castle. The test of the Angel Castle is not only in the cultivation, but also in the spirit and perseverance.

"Right." Su Lian had a trace of doubt in his eyes. "If all this is set by the master of the city, then why is the angel's score the highest?"

Isn't this tempting everyone to kill angels? Shouldn't angels represent pure, kind and bright light? What do the urban masters think? Su Luo’s heart is full of doubts.

But it is clear that this question has not been answered by her.

"This... I am afraid that only you can ask the answer." Zi Yan said with a pair of hands, and said with a helpless face, "Master is so good to you, when you have a chance, ask, by the way, help us also solve the problem. ""

Spit and spit out the tongue, you can only temporarily press this doubt.

In the middle of the conversation, there was a wide hall in front.

The Soviet Union’s eyes are slightly picking: “Little friends, prepare for the battle.”

Just as everyone appeared, a group of dense Warcraft appeared around the crowd.

The number of Warcraft appearing is entirely by luck.

Sometimes there are only three or two kittens, but sometimes there are even a few hundred.

There are hundreds of them now.

So, follow the previously set tactics.

From the blue and dark night battles, Zi Yan and Bei Chen Ying protect, while the Soviet Union is united in the overall situation.

Hundreds of Warcraft, a drop of gravity in the past, they circled 80 into her gravity space.

After the circle entered, the Soviet Union did not deal with them, only let them turn around in the dough, but they did not let them out.

The remaining twenty were handed over to those few people.

Blue Shake and Dark Night Ming also know that this year, the two of them have not made much progress in strength, dragging everyone back, so this **** battle, the battle is very brave.

After the 20 World of Warcraft were killed, both of them also hanged.

After all, these World of Warcraft, each has at least eight orders, a little worse than the strength of their two, so when the Warcraft group attacked, it is still very difficult.

Su Luo threw the skin cream to them, and asked softly: "Can you continue?"

If there is no such perseverance, this trip to Purgatory City is white.

After applying the skin cream on the body, the wounds of the original blood rushing will heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, which is very magical.

In this bottle of skin cream, the fall drops three drops of her blood, so the effect of treating trauma is very good.

"It was just a warm-up, just try a meal." The blood on the blue-sharped body stopped. He struggled to wipe the sweat on his forehead and smacked his mouth toward the Soviet Union.

"Good." Su Luo smiled with satisfaction, and then released thirty Warcraft.

Bei Chen Ying and Zi Yan first part of Warcraft, blue rendering and dark night rushed into the World of Warcraft.

A knife and a sword.

Blood is arrogant.

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