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One wants to understand this, the guardian adults only feel that the chest is angry and arrogant! He is almost dying to be alive by himself.

"How could it be you! Why would it be you!" The guardian roared, he wanted to stand up, but how can he stand up in the first half? Even if you can really stand up, how funny is that scene?

Can not afford to lose this face, the guardian adults can only lie on the ground, screaming at the fall, if the eyes can kill, Su Luo has already been filmed thousands of pieces.

Su Luo looked at him with a smile: "What, is it strange? Why can't it be me?"

"How come you come back! Leng Xiao!" The guardian did not consider the Sulu will come back, because the cold Xiao is the tail with the fall, he knows that the cold Xiao will unconsciously kill the Soviet Union.

But now that Su is here, is it cold and cold? Did he also have an accident?

Su Luo looked at his face as unpredictable and smiled and said: "You can rest assured, cold Xiao will soon go with you."

So cold Xiao is still not dead? Let this girl escape?

The guards blinked and slammed the Soviet Union with the last strength. Suddenly, they laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha, you can't catch up with the assessment of the middle mountain!"

Before he died, he finally let him find something to be happy about.

Even if she is now getting up and leaving, she will not be able to catch up at her speed. Then she can only participate again next month. If she participates next month, the chance of the lucky draw will be gone!

The more the adults who are obedient, the more they want to be more happy, suddenly coughing up, and the coughing earthshaking.

Ha, you are a girl, I have a small gold boat that the owner of the city personally sent, will not catch up with the assessment?

Su Luo smiled and squatted beside him, his face was soft and his voice was soft: "Do you really think that I will not catch up?"

The guardian suddenly had a very bad feeling in his heart. He suddenly felt that his last wish before his death would be lost.

Sure enough, Su Li’s palm suddenly appeared a small golden ship.

Then, under the control of the Soviet Union, the golden ship slowly and slowly became larger, and finally became the shape of the ellipse in front of the pointed tip.

The watchman was watching this scene, and his face was red with a sigh of relief, and it was almost the next moment!

This is a metal spaceship! ! !

The adult guardian once saw it in the elders. At that time, the elders were complacent, saying that the metal flying ship had a large talent of the city. His one was once a great achievement, and the master of the city gave it!

The guardian’s eyes violently contracted, because he noticed that the metal spaceship of the Soviet Union was even better than the elders! ! !

Su Luo picked up the strength of the arm bones, and the Xiu Lingcao, which was exchanged for 500,000 points of the guardian adults, shook in front of the guardian: "Hey, thank you for your generosity, otherwise I can't afford this 500,000 points."

However, the thank-you language of Su Luo was heard in the ears of the guardian, but he was so angry that he almost burst!

"You! You! You!!!" The guardian was stunned by the Soviet Union, and the roots of his face were violently lifted, and he could not lift it in one breath, and then he got stuck.

"This old man seems to be mad at him." The stupid big sister ran up excitedly, sighing the old man's breath, and sure enough.

Touching the pulse again, no more.

The poor old man was actually mad at the death of the Soviet Union...


Write it again during the day tomorrow, so sleepy~~

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