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Poor guardian adults, watching the dead, but in fact the soul has not dissipated, leaving a little bit of soul gas.

This is really after the arrest of the oriole, and the Soviet Union has harvested a lot. Through the design of her strength arm, she first harvested more than 2 million points, then destroyed the 201 by the hand of the guardian, reported the previous hatred, and then smashed the guardian.

In the end, Su Luo took back the strength arm bones, and at the same time, he also had a Xiuling grass worth 500,000 points.

In fact, if it wasn't for the guardian, the last god, who was ridiculed and ridiculed 201, did not know how to use Xiuling Grass, Su will not be overheard, so she was as stupid as 201.

Su Luo searched for a turn on the guardian, and saw a silver medal.

"Hey! Actually there are extra gains, will God be too good for us?" Su Luo smugly stupidly shook his hand in the hand.

This silver medal is a point! ! !

Since she bought food for her spiritual pets, the points earned from 201 before the fall have all been spent, she has become a poor family, it is simply a point can not get out!

It may be that God feels that she is pitiful, and she has obtained the points of the guardian.

"Come, let this girl see how many points you have." Su Luo's eyes squatted, as foxes.

After the death of the adult guardian, he became a masterless thing, and naturally he fell down.

Fortunately, the guardian has not yet died, so the Soviet Union used his fingerprints and spiritual power to transfer all the points on the silver medal to the solitaire drill plate.

"Oh, it's not bad, there are still 600,000 points left, and this can be squandered for a while." Su Shi's tone with a touch of joy.

This is a fight for home, but it is much faster than selling it yourself, or going to Warcraft to slaughter Warcraft. It’s more speedy, oh, isn’t this a 600,000 points?

The guardian is still not dead, watching the fall is so proud -

His last breath was swallowed by the gas!

This dead old man is finally dead, still alive and mad. The corner of Su’s mouth curled up and smiled.

In this World of Warcraft area, the corpse does not need to be dealt with, because there is a Warcraft at any time, by the way to clean the battlefield.

After all the spoils were packed up, Su Luo greeted the stupid big sister. Two people sat on the metal spaceship and quickly headed for the middle of the mountain!

The Soviet Union was extremely grateful to the owner of the city for giving her this golden boat. This is really a must-have for travel.

On the gold boat, it is still a silly big sister to control, the gold boat she manipulated is flying slowly, because the Su confessed, it will be on time, no need to advance.

And Su himself?

I am afraid that the night dreams will change again, so at this time she is already merging strength arm bones. And after the successful integration, the mid-stream mountain trip will have greater confidence.

After all, the middle reaches of the mountain is no more than the lower reaches of the mountain, here are 100 to 200, and there is also a cold Xiao.

With Xiu Lingcao, the speed of the integration of the Soviet Union is not slow, but for a few hours, the strength arm bone has already melted in half.

When the Soviet Union fell to the middle of the mountain, the strength arm bones had completely melted into the Soviet arm.

Although the strength of the arm bones disappears, it does not mean that the fusion is completed. At best, the Su can only use one-fifth of the strength of the arm.

- Start more~~~ Take a small bench and wait for it~

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