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The people outside the tower saw the two heads with yellow sand, and they were dizzy!

Lying in the trough!

"Make hair? Why are the two still there?!"

"Don't you have been kicked out? How could this be!!!"

"Before so many holy powers rushed up, how did they both hide?"

Everyone was staring at the two heads with excitement, and they all shouted excitedly.

This is really shocking. People who thought they have been kicked out have now appeared again, then -

At this point, everyone's eyes are all looking toward the cold and the big battle on the battlefield.

At this point, the two men are already at the end of the battle, and there is only a small amount of spiritual power left.

However, at this time, Leng Xiao felt the smell of the air, so he took the time to sweep away -

Lying in the trough!

Leng Xiao looked at the silly big sister and grinned at him. This smile, laughing, he almost fell from the air and fell to death!

Just when Leng Xiao was distracted because he was too shocked, Shen Dazhuang seized the rare opportunity to see, and a palm sweep swept the past!

Poor cold Xiao was suddenly swept in the middle of the chest, and suddenly a blood spit out.

He staggered and took the opportunity to fall to the ground.

However, at the moment of falling to the ground, his body and mind moved like a lightning bolt toward the Soviet Union!

These two people must die! Otherwise, he played here for a long time, but it is to make these two smashed a cheap, he is not vomiting blood vomiting?

At this point, Su Luo’s heart sighed silently: it was still discovered. It seems that things are a bit tricky, but fortunately, the strength of Leng Xiao has been weakened by Shen Dazhuang, and it is not completely impossible to deal with.

Just when Su Luo was ready to greet the enemy, he saw Shen Dazhuang rushing to chase after the cold Xiao, and facing his back is a palm of his hand.

Leng Xiao felt dangerous and subconsciously avoided the past, then turned back and screamed at Xiao Xiao: "What are you doing!"

Shen Dazhuang looked at Xiao Xiao like an idiot, only a simple word: "kill you!"

Cold and mad, almost vomiting blood, angered: "Have your eyes been smeared? Didn't you see two people there? We both want to play at any time, but we must first kill those little fleas!"

Shen Dazhuang’s gaze is not on the other side of the Soviet Union, but his hands are not lax, a move to attack the cold Xiao Xiao, and murderous!

Actually dare to lick his eyes and be stunned! hateful! Damn it! Shen Dazhuang is like a bull, rushing forward, and the cold rushes back.

Leng Xiaozhen is really afraid of this bull. He tried to explain to Shen Dazhuang: "You are an idiot! Don't kill the two people. Is it the benefit of the fishermen? Stop first!"

But Leng Xiao is wrong, he should not use a swearing way to reason. Shen Dazhuang has a rib, and you yell at him. He takes you as an enemy, no matter what you say. So the cold Xiao tragedy.

Shen Da Zhuang took a cold look: "Do not stop!"

"Why not stop!" Cold Xiao roar!

"Kill you!" Shen Da Zhuang said concise.

Cold and suffocating, looking pale, pointing to Shen Dazhuang: "First kill them!"

"No!" Shen Dazhuang refused.

"Why!" Cold and anger rushed, yelling at each other.

"You have an identity plate on your body!" Shen Dazhuang was very firm.

Cold Xiao almost stumbled. What happened to him with his nameplate? Don't you Shen Dazhuang?

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