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At this time, Xiao Xiao can't wait to put all his identity cards on his body, but if he does, then he can be sure that Shen Dazhuang will surely escape with all his identity cards.

Leng Xiao naturally will not be so stupid.

So he fell into a dilemma.

"You are a super idiot with a simple mind and limbs!" Leng Xiao pointed at the brains of Shen Dazhuang.

"Go to death!" Shen Da is angry! This cold Xiao died to the head and actually dared to point to his nose, just looking for death!

As a result, Shen Daqiang suddenly concentrated on the strength of the whole body, pooled the palms, recruited deadly, all greeted the cold Xiao.

Cold and suffocating half dead, but completely unable to take Shen Dazhuang.

As long as he said to stop, the other party said that he had an identity plate on his body, and he refused to temporarily take a break. What can he do?

The only way is to kill Shen Dazhuang first!

Leng Xiao thought of this, his eyes flashed a trace of vicious light, his hands were strange and unusual, and emerged endlessly.

For a time, he gradually turned from disadvantage to advantage.

Su Luo’s eyes are half-squatting. If you let Leng Xiao win, then when you want to get the identity plate from him, it will be troublesome.

Thinking of this, Su Luo whispered a few words in the ear of a stupid big sister, stupid big sister patted the chest, said that he understood.

The current situation is a bit confusing.

In view of Shen Dazhuang's ribbed brain, Sue did not dare to go up with him to fight cold sorrow, because in this way, Shen Dazhuang will not only appreciate, but may turn to attack her and stupid sister.

Cold Xiao and Shen Dazhuang fought for several hours.

It is now the third day, and the end of the distance is only the last hour.

The stupid big sister was a little anxious and anxious, but the look of the Soviet Union was still calm.

However, under the calm face of the Soviet Union, the thin eyebrows occasionally wrinkled.

Only the last hour, if it is played by the two of them, the time will not be enough, so we must do something.

Su Luo touched his chin with one hand, and the eyes of the clear spirit dribbled.

Soon, her eyebrows swelled and her eyes smacked.

I saw her waving to Shen Da Zhuang, and Yan Yan smiled: "Shen Da Ge, there are so many names on the ground, I am afraid that it will be trampled, and I will help you pick it up first."

Su Luo is not called a silly big sister to help, bent over, slowly and piece by piece.

Cold Xiao is full of black thoughts, how do you know what ghosts are in the heart of Su Luo? So he turned and ran towards the Soviet Union, and he planned to destroy the **** first!

This girl is full of bad water, these identity plates entered her hands, still thinking about taking it out? dream!

However, Leng Xiaocai just turned around and Shen Dazhuang’s palm was over.

Cold and dangerous dangers have been avoided, it is so angry that it is like a thunder, pointing to Shen Dazhuang’s nose and yelling: "You are an idiot! The identity plate has been taken away by the stinky head. Do you know?! Stupid! Idiot! Grass bag!"

Shen Da is angry!

I saw him retort while he was making a move: "That is to help Lao Tzu! You will be embarrassed!"

Cold Xiaoqi almost squirted out a blood! Lao Tzu? I am a fool of you?

"I said that your idiot really didn't marry you! That girl's heart is black, she can still return you? Dreaming!"

Shen Dazhuang is angry at once!

"Beautiful girl can't lie! You dare to smother her! Find death!" Shen Dazhuang was out of anger.


Can't stay up late, I want to break it, update tomorrow~~~

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