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Looking at the back of the stupid big sister, the smile on the face of Su’s face gradually solidified. She turned around and glanced at the ancient site where Zhao Si was located, then turned and walked toward the **** fog forest.

Su Luo touched the sunny doll that Leng Xiao personally helped her draw out.

Bloody fog forest, her place of battle with Leng Xiao.

The transfer of the stupid big sister is because she wants to take wisdom in this battle, not to force her enemy. If the stupid big sister is there, Su Luo will not show her hand in order to protect her.

Not long after the Soviet Union left, Leng Xiao took a group of people to the Taikoo site.

At this time, Zhao Si has already woken up.

"People?!" Leng Xiao looked at the complete door, there is no trace of battle here, and my heart is shocked!

In the brain of Zhao Si, the electric light flint flashed.

He is thinking about how to say that his crimes will be lighter.

If it is said that Su is falling in, he is stunned and knows the plan of the boss. This kind of crime is heavy, or is it that the curiosity of Su Luo is not heavy, passing through the ancient ruins and not entering, is this crime heavy?

In fact, this does not need to be considered at all?

Therefore, Zhao Si wrinkled a bitter face, timidly like a cold Xiao complained: "Boss, that surnamed Su's stinky girl, she, she did not come in at all... Look at the door, then go away... ”

Leng Xiao: "!!!!"

He smashed Zhao Siyi's foot and flew him up: "Idiot! Idiot! All are a group of idiots! What do you want from Laozi?! There is no one to do anything!"

"The boss is out of breath, no time, now time is tight, not angry, if it is from the downhill to the upper mountain, it will be late to revenge." Ding Yi reminded in the cold Xiao ear.

"I know!" Leng Xiao waved his hand, but his forehead was a blue rib.

"Su Luo... This time Laozi personally went out and saw where you are going!" Leng Xiao’s eyes flashed a violent temper, and Zhao Zhao sneered: "Are you sure that the fall is not coming in?"

"..." Zhao Sisei shrank.

Leng Xiao took his collar and put it up. "She didn't come in, where did the footprints of your back come? I still want to lie to Laozi!"

"..." Zhao Si has an urge to cry! I knew that he would not lie!

Leng Xiao took a crumpled map from his sleeve and looked at the red forks on the top. The smile became more and more violent. "Do you know what Laozi is doing now?"

Before Xiao Xiao, he ordered Zhao Si to draw four red crosses on the map. In order to make Zhao Si, if exposed, he could also lure the Soviet Union into the fourth trap.

Blood fog forest...

Zhao Si blinked his eyes and stared at Leng Xiao.

The boss’s plan was so far-reaching, it’s ridiculous that he actually...

"Hey!" Leng Xiao took a shot of Zhao Si’s head, split his head, and then slammed his body to the wall, sneer in his mouth. "I’m not only tempting the stinky head, but also thinking about it. Try if you are loyal, it seems that you are very unqualified."

The words of Leng Xiao came out. The group of small followers behind him all shrank, and then decided to make a decision. This time, we must perform well in arresting the Soviets.

The hand of Leng Xiao is really worth mentioning.

Not only led to the fall of the **** fog forest, but also tried Zhao Si, but also shocked a group of men to sell for his life.

Blood fog forest, that is the big killer of the cold Xiao!

When Su Luo first arrived, he would never know the situation inside. What Xiao Xiao can think of is that the Soviet Union will bury poisons and even the bullets in the past, because she was doing this when she was in the trial tower. At that time, many people were used by this method.

However... the cold and sultry corners sneered a sneer.

Blood fog forest, even if you bury poison to bury the ball? Su Luo, this time, you are dead!

At this time, the Soviet Union has reached the **** fog forest.

This is a very strange forest. The whole forest is yellow and yellow, and the yellow is a piece of yellow. It looks like a jungle without life, and it is not dangerous.

However, the footsteps of Su Luo were slightly stunned, and the sixth sense told her that there is an unknown danger that is accompanying her.

At this moment, Leng Xiao also brought people into the forest of blood and fog. He told his men: "At all costs, spray the blood on the stinky head!"

Because the blood fog forest is called the blood fog forest, it is because the trees here are very strange, they are very sensitive to blood smell, as long as the body is drenched with blood, then things are very fun!

As soon as I thought of this, Leng Xiao’s smile was so smashed.

The Soviet Union at this time is experiencing all this.

She walked and walked, suddenly, a **** smell spurted toward the Sushen!

Su Luo quickly moved forward, avoiding the smell of blood.

However, there are a lot of people in the cold, and everyone is scattered and scattered, constantly pouring blood on the body. These bloods are collected by Warcraft, and they collected a lot of blood before they went there.

There are so many people under the cold Xiao, the original everyone slammed up, surrounded by the Soviet Union, can also kill her, but the anger in the cold Xiao heart, is it so simple to kill the Soviet Union?

He wants to use the strange old trees in the forest of blood and fog to slowly torture the Soviet Union to death!

Although the speed of the Soviet Union is fast, it can be teleported, but there are so many people in the cold, how can she escape?

It didn't take long for Su's body to be splashed with a bright red blood.

"Boss boss! That stinky girl has been recruited!" After Ding Yi succeeded, immediately excitedly reported to the cold Xiao, invited!

"Good! Hahaha--" Leng Xiao was very happy, couldn't help but laugh!

"Boss, what's next?"

"Continue to pour blood on her, and then gradually drive her toward the deepest part of the **** forest!" Leng Xiao ordered loudly.

He is now rushing to the deepest part of the **** forest, because he has to see the death of Su, and is slowly tortured to death by the resurrected old trees! Hahaha!

Two people behind Leng Xiaochao waved: "You also go to help, be sure to drown the blood into the blood!"

After telling him to go down, Leng Xiao is now alone, slowly walking towards the forest of blood and fog, his pace is relaxed and leisurely, as if walking in a leisurely walk. As soon as he thought of it, he was finally able to kill the Soviet Union, and he was very excited.

"Boss, boss, the Soviet Union is only 30 miles from the center of the blood fog forest!"

"Okay, keep driving!"


Only a little while.

"The boss, the boss, the Soviet Union is only ten miles away from the center of the blood-stained forest!"

"Okay, keep driving!"


Soon, the newsletter rang again.

"Boss, the boss, the Soviet Union is only three miles away from the center of the blood-smog forest. Those old trees are already moving!"

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