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"Okay, the last moment, only success is not allowed to fail!"

"Yes! The body of Su Luo is already full of blood. Now she is a blood man! This time will die!"

"Good! You must do it! There are many rewards at the time!" Leng Xiao haha ​​laughed.

Soon, Leng Xiao went to the Central Forest. He saw that Su Luo was in the 100 meters ahead of her.

He is standing now, the highest position in the center of the entire blood fog forest, the best view, can clearly see what is happening in front.

At this point, Leng Xiao saw that the Soviet Union had been lured into the most central position.

She passed all the way, the ground was blood, bloodstained, and sprinkled on the ground.

On the road she walked by, the pale yellow trees were desperately absorbing the blood on the ground. The original torso and branches of the yellow, after sucking the blood, seemed to be resurrected, slowly twisting the branches and leaves.

If it's just a tree, it's just a lot of trees. At this time, the trees are surrounded by a dense circle, all of which are gathered toward the Soviet Union!

"Good! Good! Great!" Leng Xiao saw his eyes straight, and the excitement was beyond words.

He saw the Soviets violently resisting, but it was useless. The trees were huge and the resurrection was powerful.

In front of them, the small body of the Soviet Union was as small as dust, and where did it resist?

Leng Xiao saw countless branches intertwined into a net shape, wrapped the Soviet Union like a silkworm cocoon, and Su Li cut the cold sword continuously, but when he cut off one, he would have ten more, dense and will fall. Tightening, pulling, that horrible, really sees people's hearts fast.

And in order to maintain the freshness of the blood, these ancient trees will not suddenly kill the Soviet Union, but will hang her like this, and absorb a part of it every day until the final body of the Soviet Union is as dry as the air, it will be slow. Slow and really die.

This was the case with Leng Xiao. The person who was in front of him was killed by blood and died. At that time, the man had spent more than 30 days before he was desperate and collapsed.

This time, it will take about 30 days.

"Ha ha ha!!!" At this time, the cold Xiao is very happy, and he laughs wildly.


His laugh suddenly stopped! The face suddenly froze!

Because at this time, a dagger is directly inserted into the cold Xiao chest!

In the state of cold and unprepared, straight into the situation, Qigen did not enter!

Leng Xiao’s eyes were round and unbelievable, and he looked incredulously at this person who was only a foot away from him.

Su Luo?

How could it be her?

Leng Xiao feels that his brain is suddenly crashing, and there is a blank. Is this an illusion?

This person can be anyone, even his men, but it is absolutely impossible to be a Soviet! How could it be her? !

However, the pain in the heart has clearly told him that this is what happened. He was really stabbed, not that he had an illusion.

" it..." The cold throat squirmed hard.

He found that he now has difficulty speaking a word, the blood in his chest is painted black, and the blood is constantly corroding his body. He is very familiar with this venom. Before he was in the trial tower, it was used by Su Luo to force him to quit!

Leng Xiao looked down hard. He found a place where his legs were stepping, a yellow-brown liquid, and under his calf, there were only two roots that were supporting his body.

"My legs..." The cold eyes are wet.

He wants to be arrogant! I want to yell! I want to growl!

But he felt that his body was weak, his back was stiff, and the whole person was at a loss... He felt that he seemed to be dying... It was really dead...not the trial tower was sent to continue to live. The way.

Su Luo looked at him with a smile, and his eyes were smiling with a smile: "How? This real feeling is not felt in the trial tower?"

"You...what..." Leng Xiao wanted to pick up and kill the Soviet Union, but he found that he had no strength to lift a finger.

"Why am I here?" Su Luo smiled and sat on the oval stone sitting before the cold, with a smile in his eyes. "In fact, I have been waiting for you here."

The Soviet Union pointed to the old tree that was only ten meters away from the big stone. Of course, it was said: "I was there before, and you could not have noticed it with your strength."

It is a pity that Leng Xiao saw the horror of the "Sue" being ruined, and the whole body trembled with excitement, and the people were excited to drop the IQ, so Leng Xiao did not notice the surrounding environment.

"That man, is that stupid silly woman?" Leng Xiao stared at the Soviet Union, his eyes murderous. If the eyes can kill, the Soviet Union has already fallen to the ground.

"No, no." Su Luo swayed his index finger and said with a smile, "The stupid big sister is my fighting partner, I will not lie to kill myself."

"Who is that!" Leng Xiao screamed loudly!

If it is not a strong desire for knowledge to support him, he has already collapsed at this time, because he feels his body has been eroded to the thigh, he is going crazy!

Su’s hands spread out and shrugged: “I’m the prize you helped me, don’t you forget it yourself?”

“The prize? What prize?” The cold brain is still a quick memory.

He took the wisdom skull for Su Luo, and what else?

"Sunny doll?" Cold Xiao frowned. What is that? Is it not rubbish?

"The name of the sunny doll is only used to deceive people. In fact, its real name should be called 'replacement doll.'" The smile of Su Luo is like a little fox. She touched her chin and said proudly, "A substitute doll, As the name implies, it is used as a substitute, so I let it turn into my appearance and lead you into the game."

After a few explanations by the Soviet Union, Leng Xiao realized that he thought that he had calculated everything, but who knows it was still counter-calculated by the Soviet Union!

A substitute doll, a substitute doll! ! !

"Ha ha ha -" Cold Xiao Yang Tianxiaoxiao, laughing with tears rolling down...

This is a sad tear.

This time, he clearly remembered the traces of the Soviet Union. He clearly can make people surround the Soviet Union, kill her on the spot, scribble the roots, and he can clearly revenge!

However, he wanted to let the death of Su Luo die, so he took this extreme method, did not expect! I did not expect the result to be such a reversal!

"I lost... Hahaha... I lost..." The tears of Lengxiao continued to flow, constantly flowing... I was more ugly than crying.

——PS: There are still 4,000 words today~~ Because it is a bit sleepy, it is slower to write~~

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