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He caused him to chase down the wisdom skull of the Soviet Union, but he personally smoked it.

Let Su Luo escape the robbing of his army's substitute doll, and he also helped the Soviet Union.

At this moment, Leng Xiao really didn't know what to say.

His eyes looked at Su Luo in a complicated way... Is this person really not a lucky goddess reincarnation? How can her luck be so good? Are all the people who are against her the same as him?

"I am not willing!!!!!! Ah!"

After Yang Tian finished this sentence, the body of Leng Xiao suddenly fell backwards, and the slamming sound slammed and slammed on the ground.

Looking at the body of Leng Xiao, Su Luo slowly sighed.

At this time, the subordinates of Leng Xiao were looking at Su Luo in a stupid way... but they looked silly, but did not come up.

Su Lin’s indifferent eyes glanced at them: “It’s cold Xiao who has a hatred with me. Now that he is dead, do you still have to avenge the former boss?”

Seeing that they were glaring at each other, but none of them dared to come up, Su Luoyun smiled lightly: "I can kill your boss, and naturally kill you, you have to die."

They are still staring at the Soviet Union, and no one is on the front.

The smile in Su Shizhong is not diminished: "What is the most important thing for you now, isn’t it the election of a new boss?"

Drop this sentence, Su Luo turned and left.

She is not too slow to walk, the steps are not big or small, but there is an inviolable momentum in the back.

This group of cold Xiao's hands are opposite each other... If the cold Xiao is not dead, they may kill the Soviet Union, but now Xiao Xiao is dead, each of them is playing their own abacus, so they can only watch the Soviet Union go away. .

If they are swarming up, Su Luo really can't beat them, but Su Luo has mastered their psychology, so they use their selfishness and blatantly retreat.

Retired clean and chic, confident and open.

After Su’s fall out of the **** forest, he quickly ran to meet the big sister.

Before the stupid big sister took the flying pig away, she flew to the sunset forest exit, but waited to wait for the fall, so she could only sit on the stone.

She waited and waited for sleep...

Soon, it screamed like a big pig.

When Su was there, I saw the stupid big sister sleeping in this place, and I didn’t feel a smile.

This stupid big sister is really heart-wrenching and not worried. In this case, she can sleep better than pigs. It really makes people have nothing to say.

Su Luo patted her big sister and woke her up.

Silly big sister sleeps in the eyes, sees the Soviet Union, suddenly flies and dances, pulls the Soviet Union and excites: "I am faster than you! I want to roast suckling pig!!!"

"Okay." Su Luo was tired for so long, and she needed to take a break after the danger, so she was in a good mood to help the stupid sister to roast the roast suckling pig, and then let the big sister put it into her little one. Take it in the storage space and let her take it when she wants to eat.

Then two people are on the road.

The Soviet Union can only smile bitterly.

Because after the battle between Lin and Xiao Xiao, the time has passed by more than half. If the metal aircraft is not bad, it can catch up, but now there is still more than half of the road, she is with the feet of the stupid sister. Cheng, has not caught up.

Sure enough, when Su Luo and the stupid big sister arrived, the assessment had begun for an hour.

At this time, it has stopped putting people in, so the Soviet Union and the stupid sister are blocked.

"Go back and go! There is no place where you live." The guards at the gate of the upstream mountain gate stopped the Soviet Union and the stupid sister.

go back? This can't be done. Because there was a wisdom skull on the body of Suo, the group of people in the cold Xiao was stupid by the death of Leng Xiao, so they forgot about it, but if she went back to the middle of the mountain with the big sister, she would not be safe.

The guard is a thirsty man in his thirties. His face has a scar from his right eye to the left chin. It looks fierce and sullen, not angry.

And although he is the goalkeeper, but the strength is really not weak, visual inspection at least the holy step Samsung, stupid big sister may not hit the people.

Seeing that Su Luo and the stupid big sister did not move, the knife screamed and shouted: "Don't block the door! Hurry and go!"

Just then, not far away, a small team is rushing back.

Headed by a girl.

Seeing the girl, Su Luo only felt that the eyes were bright.

This girl looks very good, much more beautiful than the original Li Yaoyao.

I saw her eyebrows, ice muscles, bones, and the posture of the country, the style of the whole body, like a fairy, not dust.

She followed five or six men. These men were all good, or they were handsome, or mighty, or handsome, but the only thing in common was that all the men around her were diligently pleased. I am afraid that I will be irritated by the fairy.

The same is from the wilderness, the smoldering dust is full of dust, but the fairy is pure clothes, not dust. In contrast, the Soviet Union is like a wild donkey from the countryside. It is very inconspicuous.

Su Luo saw one of the men, she lowered her head slightly, and stood silently next to the stupid big sister, relying on the huge body of the stupid big sister to block the other's sight.

The other party's eyes were all focused on the fairy at this time, so there was no discovery of the existence of the Soviet Union.

At this point, Su Luo probably can determine who the fairy is.

Because she remembers, Lin Luli is crazy about the worry-free fairy, but he is only one of the pursuers of the worry-free fairy, so comprehensively the current situation, can make Lin Banli and this group of outstanding men around A woman should be a worry-free fairy.

Worry-free fairy, this is the most proud disciple of the three elders. After Su Luo and the three elders, she and the worry-free fairy are naturally enemies, and there is no room for any relief.

Su Luoben did not intend to meet the worry-free fairy so soon, so she deliberately let the stupid sister cover her figure.

At this time, the men were clinging to the worry-free fairy, and the hearts of the people took care of her toward the door.

The worry-free fairy inevitably saw the stupid big sister.

Her brow furrowed slightly, and she glanced at her knife. "What happened? When did the upstream mountain become a cat and a dog can enter it casually?"

The silly big sister looked bright and looked around: "Where, where? Where is the dog?"

The roast suckling pig is too tired to eat, she is thinking about changing the taste.

"Ha ha ha ha ha --" The group of men behind the worry-free fairy, a silly big sister, stupid, one by one, laughing, very exaggerated.


The legendary worry-free fairy oh~~~~

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