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The worry-free fairy's good-looking brow slightly picked up and looked at the knife.

Originally, the arrogant and arrogant knife was instantly transformed into a pug: "These two people stood out from the mid-level mountain assessment. They came over to participate in the assessment, but they were late."

A flower-protecting messenger around the worry-free fairy suddenly sneered: "I haven’t gone back for many years. How do you get the garbage in the middle of the mountain to such a degree? Even such a fool can take the top three? It’s really a shame.”

Another goddess to please them, but also roared: "Is it how far away is the middle mountain? It can be half a day, they can actually walk for two days, and actually still late? I went there. Can this take part in the assessment? Hurry and roll back to your mid-stream, don't throw a shame here."

The fist on the side of Su’s body was slightly tightened.

She imagined how many times, the worry-free fairy would reverse the sentient beings, and then she would get the love and support of so many people, but if the one she saw in front of her eyes was a worry-free fairy, then Suo wanted to say, She is really disappointed.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd gently snorted.

It’s half a forest.

Su Luo had no choice but to sigh, and the coming will always come.

Sure enough, Lin saw the Soviet Union in the middle of the forest and recognized her, so he could not help but snorted.

In fact, I don’t blame him. It’s really too fast! Lin half a month ago, I only watched the Suo assessment genius training camp, but this is only a month, a month! Su Luo has already crossed the end mountain, the lower mountain, the middle mountain, and now runs to assess the upstream mountain!

your sister! What is the upgrade speed?

Moreover, Lin Zhongli looked at the Soviet Union. When he was in the early assessment, he was able to break through to the leading ranks, but now? ! It’s already the command of the Seven Stars. Is the Holy Order just around the corner? !

In the middle of the forest, the whole person was shocked, and a pair of eyes widened and looked at the Soviet Union.

The worry-free fairy saw her admirer staring at others, and her heart was filled with anger, and her eyes filled with anger turned to the Soviet Union.

However, in the moment of seeing the Soviet Union, the worry-free fairy who succumbed to the dumping of the whole country, was like a blue sky slamming in a moment, dumbfounded.

What is this a woman who is unparalleled?

I saw her eyes like autumn water, bright teeth, Xianzi jade bones, no fat powder on her face, only because the fat powder will stain her color.

A goose-yellow skirt with a tree branch, the skirt is muddy, no embroidered, no embellishment, no accessories, only two skirts fluttering in the wind, she is so quietly standing, behind her thousands The scenery seems to have become her foil, this moment, finally let the worry-free fairy understand what is called the brilliant after the wash.

Su Luo stunned the fairy with a slight smile.

At this moment, the subconscious, worry-free fairy took a step back.

Only one glance, the woman who was so beautiful in the face of her eyes raised her strong alert.

"Sue? Is it really you?" Lin Banli finally recovered from the shock, and looked at her in surprise.

Su Luo turned his eyes blankly. This person will not be deliberate, right?

"I didn't expect you to come here from the end of the mountain so quickly, and the strength seems to be much better than the last time. What kind of panacea did you eat?" Lin half ran towards the Soviet Union and said with joy.

Su Luo hadn’t answered yet, and the worry-free fairy’s cold eyes swept Lin’s half.

"Do you know?" The worry-free fairy carries the chin and squats down in the condescending position. At this time, she has already recovered the domineering queen before.

"Yeah, I saw one month ago. At that time, she was conducting an assessment of the genius training camp..." Lin Banli said that his face changed slightly because he realized at this time that Su Luo and the three elders were Have hatred...

A month ago, the genius training camp assessment?

This sentence has shocked many people, including the worry-free fairy.

It’s not a terrible thing to look at her, but if she is stronger than her, it’s just too short to bear! She definitely does not allow such women to grow up.

The worry-free fairy swept the Soviet Union and asked Lin Luli carelessly: "Sue? How is the name so familiar?"

Lin Banli: "..."

Lin was half-difficult because he knew that Luo Dust was protecting the Soviet Union.

"Well?" The worry-free fairy faintly snorted, but the momentum was not angry, so Lin did not know how to answer it.

Seeing that there was no reply in the middle of the forest, the thin eyebrows of the worryless fairy were slightly picked up.

Seeing the sad eyes of the worry-free fairy, her rest of the flower-protecting messengers were unhappy, and they started to run in the forest halfway.

"Lin Lin, do you want to mix with us? Don't want to mix and go!"

"If you make the worry-free immortal unhappy, we will make you unhappy forever!"

"I have the opportunity to worry about worry-free, you have to push three obstacles? You have a problem?"

Su Luo: "..."

Silly big sister: "..."

Lin half saw the incredible expression of Su Luo, his look distorted, and he stepped back to the worry-free fairy silently step by step, and then attached a word to the ear of the worry-free fairy.

After he said this, the original indifferent look of the worry-free fairy instantly condensed a thick layer of frost, watching the eyes of the Soviet Union as sharp as the tip of the ice, as if the dagger dig her eyes!

"The skunk head that was originally against Master is actually you?" The frost on the face of the worry-free fairy faded, followed by thick ridicule and sneer.

Su Luo ridge back straight, not humble to greet the eyes of the worry-free fairy, the corner of his mouth with a smile: "I don't understand what you mean."

"My master is the three elders of the Mingyue Temple." The worry-free fairy looked at Su Luo with a mocking look, like watching a dead person.

Indeed, she is a dead man who is not worried about her fairy.

Everyone knows that in this genius training camp, anyone who offends can do it, that is, can not offend her worry-free fairy, otherwise, it will die very badly.

But the worry-free fairy decided that she would have turned her into a dead person without waiting for the fall to understand this rule.

"Is the three elders of the Mingyue Hall? I have heard it." Su Luo said faintly.

"Well?" Is that simple? The worry-free fairy frowned, glaring at the fall.

Su Luo smiled and smiled at her.

For a time, the two stood face to face, and there was something colliding in the middle and burning.

Suddenly, the worry-free fairy smiled and laughed happily: "Okay, very good, little devil, dare to be against my master, it really has a bit of courage, but my sister told you--"

The worry-free fairy leaned over and whispered in the ear of the ear: "Sinful sister, you are dead."


PS: The worry-free fairy is very different from Li Yaoyao. This sister is very queen. Oh~~~ People like to drop is... Come on, have a prize quiz, guess the plus one chapter 2000 words~

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