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After that, the worry-free fairy is laughing again.

Who knows, Su Luo actually said her in an instant: "This aunt, who died, not necessarily."

This aunt? !

The worry-free fairy suddenly blew a **** throat in his throat!

This stinky head actually called her aunt! ! ! Auntie! ! !

"Looking for death!" The worry-free fairy is mad.

The flower-protecting messengers behind her were all dumbfounded. At this time, they rushed up and surrounded the Soviet group. They glared at her: "Smelly girl, apologize, or you will look good!"

This is still to see such a light punishment on the beautiful and unparalleled face of the Soviet Union. If you change the ugly, you have already been smashed by this group of flower ambassadors!

Su Luo smiled and swept a group on their faces, feeling the lower jaw and thinking.

In fact, she really did not understand, is there any such charm in the worry-free fairy? These men don't look bad, why are they all wandering around her? To this end, the eyes of Su Luo stayed on the worry-free fairy for a long time.

The worry-free fairy sees the fallless and fearless look of the Soviet Union. It has long been mad, and she waved her hand: "Give me her!"

When the words came out, her flower ambassadors felt a little unbearable in their hearts...

This girl is really beautiful and swaying their eyes, is it a pity to kill like this? Even if it is a vase, it is pleasing to look at. As a result, the guardians of the group of worry-free fairys face each other, and no one has first started.

This time, it is even more discouraged by the worry-free fairy!

She was afraid of the beauty of the Soviet Union from the very beginning. Now she looks at her own admirer’s heart and shakes it. Can this be tolerated? Resolutely can't stand it, you must kill this stinky head in the cradle!

Then, the worry-free fairy faintly raised the eyebrows, the eyes of the fascinating sentient beings swept around, and casually played a small strand of hair, not too slow to say: "Who helped me kill this stinky girl, now In the evening, you can stay in Wuyouge."


The guardian flower ambassadors all took a breath of air, leaving the worry-free pavilion for them, the temptation is too big!

This not only represents the beauty of Wenxiang nephrite, but also...


All the fierce eyes were focused on the Su Luo, looking at her gaze, like a green murderous fierce wolf, it seems that the next moment will tear her.

There was a lot of vigilance in the heart of Su Luo.

It is not advisable to start now, at least, before the future of Luo Dust, it is absolutely impossible to start, because she and the stupid big sister add up, not enough for this group of people to fight.

Around the circle of Su Luo and the stupid big sister, they gradually shrink and shrink.

Su Brow's brows were slightly wrinkled and had to move out of the back of the mountain: "You can't do it."

"Ha ha ha - stinky, afraid?" Save the face of the worry-free fairy, bright face with a smug smile.

Su Lu’s brows were deeply wrinkled, and his eyes glanced at the forest. Only one of the group of people was still standing still.

The worry-free fairy obviously noticed it, only to see her brows wrinkled deeply, her hands raised, and a cold drink: "Stop first!"

After everyone stopped, the worry-free fairy stared at Lin Xiaoli: "You, why not go up?"

Lin half moved the lips and silenced.

Worry-free fairy is obviously not ready to let go of this shaken traitor. She smiles and leans close to his ear, silently groaning, and the fingers of white as jade touch the chest in the middle of the forest. The soft words are: "Is it... at night. ... you don't want to come?"

Lin half-closed his eyes and took a deep breath, because the worry-free fairy was close to him, and the familiar smell of the nose made him full of lingering pictures.

"Now, you are going to help me kill her, okay?" The worry-free fairy, like a jade-like finger, touched the face of Lin Luli's handsome, eyes staring at him, his eyes wide and silky. The heart is moving.

Lin’s fist was pinched tightly.

"Hey, go, ah?" The worry-free fairy handed Lin Shuli a slap in the face, then patted him on the shoulder and pushed him in front of the Soviet Union.

The eyelids of the Soviet Union were slightly wrinkled.

She turned her eyes and looked at the envious and hateful eyes of the group of flower protectors. Then look at the daggers that were pinched in the forest. Sudden had a very absurd idea. These people really love the miserable fairy? She always felt that there was something wrong, but she couldn't catch it.

"Are you still awake?" Su said subconsciously Lin Lin.

"It has never been confused." Lin Luli looked cold and serious, and was cold and cold to the Soviet Union, but he was passionate about the worry-free fairy, and he had two different treatments.

"What do you love her?" Su Luo felt particularly curious.

Lin did not answer, and the worry-free fairy patted the shoulders of the Soviet Union and smiled at her and said, "Small sister, what is the use of good looks? How can you understand this little apple?"

How can the Soviet Union not understand? But what she doesn't understand is: "Is it so lacking in women in the camp? So that you are so hungry? Even the sows are rushing?"

Silly big sister: "..." said that he could not understand.

The flower ambassadors felt insulted: "You, you, you dare to say that the worry-free fairy is a sow!!!!"

The worry-free fairy is in their hearts, but the nine-day mysterious woman is under the dust, the ice muscles and the bones, the fairy-skins are refined, how can it be the sow! ! ! !

Worrying fairy is suddenly angry! Furious in the middle of the forest: "Kill! Kill! Hurry up and kill her! No, first smashed her mouth, cut her nose, dig her eyes, cut her limbs! Then throw her into the pigsty!"

The worry-free fairy is very screaming without image! She has not suffered such an insult in her life!

Her name is worry-free, not only because of the expectations of the three elders, but because of her unique conditions.

Beautiful and beautiful, talented, talented, beautiful men... Others can't find anything they can't pursue in their lifetime, she can get it with her fingers, so her life has always been carefree, but When she saw Su Luo today, she was worried many times!

In the middle of the forest, I looked incredibly at the daring, and the dagger in my hand paused.

"You can't kill me!" Su Luo sneered again and again, "Others don't know, don't you know? Luo brother will not let you go."

"Luo Dust?" The sound of the worry-free fairy is a meal!

Luo Dust? This stinky head is related to Luo Dust?

"It’s Luo Dust." Su’s eyes glanced at her. As far as she knows, Luo Dust is not the guest of the dreamless fairy, and the strength is tyrannical. Now he can only solve this game.

Who knows, when I heard the name of Luo Dust, the face of the worry-free fairy suddenly changed, and screamed at the sinisterly: "What is your relationship with Luo Dust? How could he protect you?!"


PS: You haven't guessed it. Hahaha~~ Our worry-free sister has a big appetite. She wants every good drop boy's shoes to fall under her pomegranate skirt~~

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