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Su Luo looked at the look of the worry-free fairy. How does this look like jealous...

At the thought of this, Su Luo suddenly had a goose bump.

There are so many beautiful men around the worry-free fairy, is she still thinking about Luo brother? The appetite of the Queen is too big, too?

"Say! When did you get to know Luo's brother!" Pushing the forest halfway without worry, stepping into the face of the Soviet Union.

Su Luo gave her a faint look and was silent.

"Luo brothers will look at your stinky head like this vase? It is impossible!" The worry-free fairy sneered.

Luo’s brother never even gave her a good look when she didn’t even care about her. How could she look at this stinking girl? The worry-free fairy doesn't believe it, but the heart is inevitably doubtful. Because the face of Su Luo is really too bad!

"You don't believe me, but you don't even believe in Lin Lin? You can ask him to go, but he witnessed it." Su Luo smiled and turned his eyes to Lin.

Under the glare of the worry-free fairy, Lin half slid and looked down: "Luo brother just saw you in an assessment game, how is it to protect you? At that time, you can see more people in the assessment game. At that time, I also Are you saying that I also protect you?"

Lin Banli’s words are not poisonous.

However, he succeeded in pleasing the worry-free fairy.

The worry-free fairy suddenly feels good, throwing a wink to Lin Luli, then raising his eyebrows and scornfully scorning Su Luo: "What is it? So will you put gold on your face? Luo brother will see you? Oh, It’s really red and rainy!”

Su Luo looked at Lin Xiaoli with a sneer, this person, she remembered!

Because Su Luo repeatedly delayed the time, the worry-free fairy has been unable to bear, and she whispered Lin Lin: "Hurry to kill her, then the body was thrown into the World of Warcraft to feed the dog!"

Su Brow's brow wrinkled, his finger moved, and a diamond card appeared in her hand: "Look what this is? Who dares to move me!"

This is the diamond card that the owner of the city gave her, the only one, seeing the card as the owner of the city.

The people were shocked, and they looked at Su Luo in a silly look. They didn’t know what to do for a while, and they all looked at the fairy.

No worries first shocked, then akimbo laughter, tears are coming out soon: "Ha ha ha, I have heard that the city owner sent the girl in, but the girl has been sent to the battlefield outside the domain, it is not in the city of Purgatory However, there are many diamond cards in the city, and each one pretends to be the one who the city owner sent in!"

The worry-free smile came to an abrupt end, and it was replaced with a serious expression: "So, any one who takes the diamond card out of the fox and the tiger is all fake! You dare to take the order of the city lord, sin must die! Come , she will feed her dog!"

"Who can kill her, who can stay in the worry-free pavilion tonight!" The worry-free fairy finally released a heavy reward!

Sustained in the bottom of the heart, a burst of surprise.

Many people who have a hand-drilled card? Still no worries in nonsense?

As the voice of the worry-free fairy fell, her minions swiftly rushed toward the Soviet Union, because the reward was really what they wanted.

"We are here to participate in the assessment of the upstream mountains. You said that killing and killing, is there any rules?" Su Luo hoped that Luo Xiaochen would hurry and deliberately delay the time.

"Rules? This fairy is the rule here, what happened to kill you? It is your pleasure to die under this fairy!" The worry-free fairy is proud.

"How can the upstream mountain kill people casually?"

"This is the outside of the upper mountain gate, belonging to the World of Warcraft area, Shantou, World of Warcraft killing people can not break the law." Worry-free fairy see Su Xiaoyu, annoying, she rushed up, facing the face of the Soviet Union is a sword mango.

Jianguang flashed.

Su Luo subconsciously avoided.

But the worry-free fairy is much stronger than she is, she can't do it!

If this piece is stabbed, the face of the fallen flower will be destroyed by hard life!

At this moment, the stupid big sister rushed up and stood in front of the Soviet Union.

Because the stupid big sister is tall, cold sword stabbed her chest!

At the same time, the five or six flower ambassadors were not idle.


Fist, palm, weapon... All of them greeted the stupid big sister. For a time, the stupid big sister was beaten with blood and his body was crumbling!

They are coming from the middle reaches of the mountain. These people are all elites of the upper reaches of the mountain. Usually they will be enough for them to get out. Now they are encircling them!

There was a strong anger in the Soviet Union!

Worry-free fairy, and these flower ambassadors! She remembers all!

The stupid big sister was seriously injured, but the protected Su Luo was still not traced of injuries all over the body. This made the worry-free fairy very dissatisfied. So she threw the silly big sister and the cold sword was ruthlessly stabbed. Sue throat!

She wants to die!

The sword of the worry-free fairy, as fast as a flash!

Su Luo can't resist it!

This sword, which is smashed and smashed, will be cut off when the sword goes down. When the corpse is separated, it is difficult to save the gods.

The flower ambassadors are somewhat obsessed...

The smile on the face of the worry-free fairy is like a cherry blossom, like a star.

Su can clearly feel the coldness of the cold sword.


Suddenly, the Soviet Union found that the time seemed to be still.

Su Luo looked down and saw that the cold sword was only an inch away from her throat, but it seemed to be still, how could not stab into the half.

She looked up at the worry-free fairy, and her smug smile had solidified and stiffened. Her eyes looked in the direction of the air, and her eyes were deeply jealous and terrified.

Su Luo looked at her gaze.

There is a man there.

A man like a jade like a god.

I saw him in the midair, wearing a luxurious blue brocade robe with the wind, the face of the bright and graceful is covered with a faint brilliance after the afterglow of the body, Tsinghua unparalleled, the eyes are deep and foggy, revealing inscrutable The color.

He looked cold and looked like a sword, aggressively looking at the worry-free fairy.

The worries of the worries are trembled, and the horror of the stuns flashed past, and then a smug smile appeared: "Luo brother, can you see no worries?"

Luo Dust slowly landed, the beauty flashed a touch of dullness, the sound is different from the previous Qing Qing Wen: "You, great courage."

The heart of the worry-free fairy is like an abyss.

really! The stinky girl said it was true, she actually got the shelter of Luo’s brother, hateful! ! !

The worry-free fairy reluctantly smiled: "No worries don't know what Luo brother knows, but also hope that Luo brothers can say."

This Luo Dust, every time I have no good face to her, hateful! One day, she wants to let him fall in front of her and lick her toes. The worry-free fairy swears in my heart!

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