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Although there is still a year, the worry-free fairy has already determined that Luo Dust is her possession. At this moment, she has already driven her sovereignty.

However, Luo Xiaochen has a sleeve and separates the worry-free fairy three meters away.

Worry-free fairy is lame, but still catch up to stop in front of Luo Dust, pointing to the Soviet Union, and cold and cold to the road: "She is not a person in the upper mountain, can not enter this door!"

"Although the two of them were selected from the middle of the mountain, but because of the delay in the assessment, so this time can only be returned, waiting for them to be selected again in the middle of the mountain next month, in order to come to the assessment!" Worryless fairy sneer Susie.

She just won't let the sinister scorpion head in!

Su Luo looked up at Luo Dust, is it true that the worry-free fairy is true?

Who knows, Luo Xiaochen’s voice is quiet: “The rules are true.”

"But-" Luo's voice rang, and looked at the worry-free fairy indifferently. "There were two dead battlefields in the field, and two places were vacated."

These two places are naturally supplemented by people from the middle reaches of the mountain.

Worry-free, "..."

How could it be so clever!

Just two places are vacant, that is to say that the sinister scorpion can go in?

"But there is no place for her to live!" The worry-free fairy is not enough.

"I live with me." Luo Dust pulled the Soviet Union, and smiled and smiled at the worry-free fairy. "Do you have opinions?"

"I..." The worry-free fairy certainly has an opinion! Great advice!

But Luo brother did not care about her, did not look at her, turned and left.

At this point, Su Luo carrying a stupid big sister, followed closely behind Luo Xiaoyu. And Luo Zhen lived in a yard. Suo thought about the warning of Nangong Liuyun. She didn't want to agree. But now there is a big sister who is seriously injured, and there is no worry about the fairy. But she is not allowed to be willful.

Luo is a good person, although he does not know who his master is.

On the way, Su Luo tried to talk with Luo, and wanted to set out who he was to take care of her, but Luo’s mouth was very strict, not only that, but even his face was on the way, it seemed to be angry.

Su Luo thought about it too... If he lost himself after one year, he would give such a beautiful hand to the worry-free fairy.

Suo is thinking about this side, Luo Xiaochen suddenly turned his face, screaming at the Soviet Union, warning one word at a time: "Don't lose!"

The falling lips smashed into a white line and nodded desperately: "Hmm! Luo brother, I will definitely win you back!!!"

In fact, the Soviet Union smiled and sprayed. I didn’t expect Luo’s brother to be on the road, just minding this, so he’s so angry and angry that it’s so cute.

Luo Yan smashed the Soviet Union and saw no words with Su Luo on the way. However, his care for the Soviet Union did not fall.

He took the Soviet Union to his own dust-free mountain, left the Soviet Union, and then did not know where to go.

Su Luo looked at this dust-free mountain, and his heart was amazed again and again!

This is really a difference!

The place where Luo Brothers lived alone is so big, bigger than the place where thousands of people live in the end mountain. Compared with this place, the villa at the end of the mountain is the armpit.

This is an ancient castle, the estate is vast, low-key and luxurious, a whole line of guards at the door, everyone is extraordinary.

In the distance is the mountain, the green is green, and it is vast and innocent.

A steward-like old man, followed by two rows of waiters, waited respectfully for the Soviet order.

Because Luo Zhen’s dust came back, he gave the butler a sentence: “Give her permission, she is the second owner here.”

Then, the butler was too respectful to the Soviet Union.

There was time to visit this manor, but at this time, Su was still carrying a stunned big sister on her back, so she only had a room with the butler.

After entering the room, Su Luo quickly put the silly big sister on the bed, and then began to check her body.

At this time, the Soviet Union was extremely fortunate. Fortunately, the stupid big sister was not dead. Otherwise, the several people’s repeated attacks, the stupid big sister’s life has been lost.

However, due to the serious injury, it is very difficult to recover from her own. It is impossible to carry it for a year and a half.

Su Luo touched his chin and began to find medicine in his own space.

Other attacks are not enough. The worry-free fairy's cold sword is fed with poison. She has no symptomatic detoxification medicine on hand, and she must have her own refining.

Then Su Luo flipped over the herbs stored in the space. After finishing the work, she found that the detoxification requires nine kinds of herbs, eight of which she has, and only one kind of snake poisonous grass is not in her hands.

When Su Luo first arrived, he was unfamiliar with this upstream mountain. He wanted to ask Luo brother, and found that he closed the door of the training room tightly, and there was a team of guards guarding it.

The Soviet Union can only be checked from the light brain.

After the investigation of Su Luo, she found that the snake venom can not be exchanged with points, only to collect.

Su Luo searched again and finally let her find a little information. In the eastern part of the World of Warcraft, someone had seen the suspected snake poisonous grass.

Although it is suspect, it is also a clue. The stupid big sister is for her to be unconscious and lying in bed, how could Su’s fall on her? Even if she only suspected two words, she decided to take a nap.

The butler looks at the Soviet Union, and the words stop: "Su girl, the high-level Warcraft area is no better than the shallow layer of Warcraft, the World of Warcraft here is very difficult to deal with."

Su Luo smiled and said: "I know."

The butler looked at the strength of the Soviet Union and sighed silently.

Commanding the six stars... How is this cultivation done, how do you enter the upper mountain? Is there really nothing tricky inside? You know, those masters on the dragon list are at least holy.

But the butler also knows that this is not something that can be managed within his responsibilities, so he does not say much, only quietly went to see Luo Dust.

When he came out of the practice room, the doubts in his eyes were even worse, but he continued to follow the instructions of his master.

Soon, Su Luo saw a group of strangers.

There are five strangers in this group, each of whom is a dragon and a phoenix. All of them are above the holy level.

The housekeeper explained with Su Luo: "The owner said that if the girl insisted on entering the Warcraft area, she must be protected by the Xiaoluo team to enter."

Seeing Su’s doubts, the butler explained with patience and detail in detail: “Many people on the Dragon List will form various small teams and enter the World of Warcraft in the form of a detachment. Each detachment will have a captain. Only the captain of the team, our master, but the owner also hangs a name."

Su Luo understood. Each team needs a backing, and Luo Dust is the backing of this team.

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