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Her eyes swept over the four faces.

At a glance, Su Luo saw the different mentalities in their eyes, but what about different attitudes? Anyway, only cooperate once.

Su Luo let them introduce themselves.

Luo Qing, the Lord Samsung. male. His eyes are big and small, and they look very special. When Luo is not there, he has been the captain of the team. In fact, a hundred times of Lilo's dust can appear once, it is very good.

Tian Hao, the Holy Star two stars. male. As the name suggests, the figure is burly and tall, muscular, and savage.

Xu Yin, the Holy Star and two stars. male. It seems ordinary, it seems to have no features, but the eyes of Su Luo have looked at him more, because Su Luo found a hidden dark atmosphere in him, so she immediately concluded that this person is suitable for spy or kill.

Long, the Lord is a star. Female. If you don't compare with worry-free and her, the girl's looks are pretty, but the temper looks very proud.

When the four people introduced themselves, they were concise and indifferent, especially the girl with a beautiful appearance. The peacock was like a peacock who opened the screen, and the monk was not prepared. He slammed the eyes of the Soviet Union.

Su Luo Fu. It seems that this goes to the depth of the World of Warcraft, it is not easy to pick up the snake poisonous grass, at least she will not be too good in treatment.

However, Su Luo now only wants to take the snake scorpion to treat the stupid big sister, and does not care much about other things.

It is better to hit the sun on the day of the election.

The castle of Luo Dust is not very far from the World of Warcraft. In fact, the ranking of the residences on the Dragon List is regular. The higher the ranking, the closer it will be to the World of Warcraft.

It is both convenient for them, but also has the meaning of deterring those Warcraft.

Soon after leaving the castle, the Soviet Union received the expected treatment.

The long-haired girl stunned the Soviet Union with a disdainful look. At the other end of the day, she deliberately slammed her shoulders and slammed her shoulders!

Then she dropped a stinking face, as if Su Luo owed her millions of points.

In the face of her unreasonable troubles, Su Shiguang flashed, but did not generally see her, she is not the age of the little girl bickering.

However, the long-dressed girl saw that Su Luo’s provocation against her was ignored. The face suddenly pulled long and squatted back to the face of Su Luo, screaming at the Soviet Union.

Su Luo passed her coldly, but she was further blocked.

Su Luo helpless, sigh: "What is it?"

"Who are you?" The long hands clasped the chest and sighed with arrogance.

"It has nothing to do with you." Su's answer was concise.

"How come it doesn't matter? You live in the manor of Luo's brother, Luo brother... It's so close to you, what if you want to assassinate him? So, for the safety of Luo brother, you have to make it clear, you are Who!" After Li Manman’s words, he thought of a reason.

Luo Qing, Tian Hao, Xu Yin all looked up at the sky... Also assassinated Luo brothers... This reason is really crappy.

Su Luo smiled a little: "You are too wide. Luo brothers only ordered you to accompany me to a World of Warcraft area, instead of letting you investigate my population."

Li was so angry that he almost jumped. "In fact, you don't say that I know who you are! You are just an appraiser from the middle of the mountain. Even the last one in our upstream mountain is not! What are you proud of? Not just by you. This face, let Luo brother look at you differently?"

Taking advantage of the beautiful and unparalleled face of the Soviet Union, Li was full of fire. This face really gave her the urge to commit suicide!

Who knows, after thinking about it, Su’s thought is not ashamed, but he is proud of it: “Yes, I still have this face. You don’t even have a face. It’s no wonder that Luo’s brother doesn’t know you.”

Li was so angry that he almost jumped!

"You! You! You have to be clear! Now we are helping you! Are you asking for help with this attitude?!"

Sushen shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands. He said with a bachelor: "Please help me with Luo brother, so the order should be, I owe Luo brothers and brothers, Luo brothers owe you human feelings, want a good attitude, ask Luo brother to go. ”

"You will take advantage of Luo brother to you!" Li roared.

"Yes, Luo brother is very good to me." Su Luo is good.

Li is very angry.

As the captain, Luo Qing saw the two girls quarreling and was busy coming out to play round: "Hey, they are all their own people. They don’t look down and see, what are you talking about? Don't quarrel, don't quarrel."

Li has been stunned with the captain and complained: "Big eyes brother! She bullies me!"

Big-eyed brothers feel headaches... Quarrels are noisy, but people say you bully you? There are more people who can bully you.

But on weekdays, the entire team is such a rare little sister, the brothers are petting, so the big-eyed captain will slap her head: "Okay, okay, you are older, the girl is bigger, more What can I do with it?"

Really count, the age is more than double. Of course, such a cruel thing, the big-eyed brother certainly will not say.

But only the one he said, has already smashed Li Manman’s girl!

Not only Luo’s brother was taken away, but she was the youngest and most favored on weekdays, but this position was also taken away by the Soviet Union. She was so angry that she smoked a big smoke and shook her big brother: “You guys are The same! Seeing her looks beautiful, she is protecting her, when the baby is squatting, just when I am grass!"

Su Luo: "..."

Such a naive girl, who raised it, who is responsible for it. Su Luo crossed the big-eyed brother.

The big-eyed brother is speechless and continues to pat the shoulders of Xiao Shimei: "She was specially taken care of by Luo Shixiong..."

This sentence has caused trouble!

"That is that Luo brother is blinded by his eyes, and soon he will see clearly, who is really good to him!" Li Manman's face was so blushing, double fists clenched!

After the girl spit out the brothers of Luo, he began to vomit and squandered: "Look at it! She is only leading the strength of the seven stars. Have you seen the seven stars entering the top of the World of Warcraft? Isn't she going to die? Isn't we protecting her? It's a big burden, it's a big burden, I know to add, numb, and annoy to others!"

The big-eyed brother looked at Su Luo with apologetic apology, and gently persuaded the younger sister to say: "She is still young, she can have such a rumor in her teens, indicating that she is very talented, and it will be in our time. Up, you are like this now, too demanding."

Li Manman’s number of girls fell, and originally wanted to find a little sense of superiority and presence in the Soviet Union. But by the big-eyed brother, she explained that she was not only superior, but was also strongly compared to the Soviet Union. It is.

She, no, serve!

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