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Li was too convinced, and looked down at the Soviet Union. He arrogantly compared his fingers: "How about genius? How many geniuses have fallen on the road ahead? According to her current strength! Big eyes, you said, take With such a way to enter the World of Warcraft, can we not be our burdens dragging our hind legs? You say! You say!"

The big-eyed brother said that he was very helpless and smiled apologetically.

The Soviet Union was cold and sullen, and he took a long look at Li, but did not defend himself.

Although she only has the commanding seven stars on the surface, but with her cards, even the big sister may not be her opponent, let alone a few people here.

However, Su Luo dismissed and dismissed, because the mouth said that there is no reason, anyway, now it is into the World of Warcraft area, she has the opportunity to perform later, and is not in a hurry. Now that Su Luo is not the age of others, she has learned what it is to be suffocating.

Li Manwan saw Su Luo ignore her, snorted and pointed to Tian Hao: "Tian Shixiong, do you say she is reckless? She is still betting with the worry-free sister! I have to gamble with the worry-free sisters, you see Look, she still wants to defeat the worry-free sister!"

Tian Hao also frowned and looked at Su Luo, and gave four words to evaluate: "Not self-reliant."

Li Manman was happy, and chattered: "Yes! It doesn't matter if she died herself. The most hateful thing is that she actually took the singer's bet! If she loses her life, she will lose. Worry-free sister!"

To put it bluntly, Li Manman’s most arrogant is this!

She has always been in love with Mu Luo, and she is as admired as the male god, but as long as she thinks that Luo Shixiong will be forced to become the guest of the worry-free fairy, Li Manman will not want to violently smash down!

Referring to this matter, the Soviet Union had to explain: "I will not lose."

"You won't lose?!" Li Manny pointed to the Soviet Union, and he sneered twice. "You won't lose. Isn't the worryless fairy lost?! Look at yourself, you will lead the seven stars! Seven stars!"

Su Luo casually swept the violent Li Yan's children's shoes, and slowly moved his finger joints: "Even if I am the commanding seven stars, you are not my opponent who leads the seven stars."

"Ah haha!" Li long laughed and smiled, she felt that she had met a madman!

Subsequently, she glared at Su Luo: "You crazy, idiot, if you really lost Luo brother, I will definitely find you desperate!"

Sushen shrugged and spread his hand. She can be promoted from one star to seven stars within one month. Why can't she be promoted to five stars within one year? However, this kind of thing is very weak to explain, and it is too powerless to justify it.

The big-eyed brother came out to play the round field again: "Okay, don't make a noise, the front is going to the Warcraft area, and you have to say a few words to prepare for the battle."

The big-eyed brother is really troublesome about how to deal with the Soviet Union. This is the command of the small seven stars, and it is still the person who protects and protects the Luo Shi brothers. It is absolutely unrealistic for her to rush to fight. I am afraid that the World of Warcraft can give her a fly.

Therefore, the big-eyed brother decided to supply the Su Luo, protect it, just look at it.

So along the way, the big-eyed brothers walked to explain the situation of the World of Warcraft to the Soviet Union.

"The World of Warcraft area here is very broad, accounting for half of the entire continent. It can be described as boundless. Only the top 100 of our Dragon List are eligible to come in."

"People in front of the Dragon List can go deeper, but because we are all at the end, the strength is not strong, so we can only surround the circle, but fortunately, the snake venom is on the eastern periphery, and it doesn't need to be too deep."

"But even on the periphery, these Warcraft are terrible for you, so you have to keep up with us and don't lose it."

Su Luo nodded and nodded.

Tian Hao patted the shoulders of Su Luo: "Don't be afraid, since Luo Shixiong confessed to protect you, even if we don't want to, we won't leave you alone!"

Su Luo: "..."

Li long sneered a few times: "Protect her? Let her be better eaten by Warcraft! Look annoying!"

Su Luo: "..."

The big-eyed brother was very helpless and stunned Li Longman: "How do you say it? If you really lose it, who will compare with the worry-free fairy after one year? Don't say a year later, after you go back, Luo brothers will take minutes. I have to pack my bags and go to the worry-free pavilion."

Li Manman’s face was scared and scared.

She turned her head and glared at the Soviet Union, her fingers trembled and pointed at the Soviet Union, and the image of the whole body trembled in front of the Soviet Union with the utter anger that could not be said!

"You! You! I--" Li long breathed deeply, then exhaled, and did not rush to the spot to explode the head of the Soviet Union.

It took her a long time to calm herself down and stunned Su’s eyes, but she still had to go to Su’s body. When she passed by, she angered and threw a sentence: “You must not die. It!"

The innocence of her brother, all of them can be hung on this stinky head! I really want to think about it. Li long wanted to cry and could not cry.

For a time, everyone looked at the Soviet Union with a very weird look.

This kind of eye-drop is very familiar, can you look at the expression of a rare giant panda?

And these four people, her front and rear four orientations will protect her in a circle, for fear that she will be taken care of by Warcraft, and carefully guarded.

The fall of the forehead, the blue veins, and all the emotions, eventually turned into a long sigh: "Hey."

The Warcraft area is coming soon.

As the captain of the big eye said, the area is vast and the vision is endless.

The ancient wood is green, the grass is lush, and it is full of vitality. It is very lush.

Here is the paradise of Warcraft, where humans stop.

The big-eyed brother said with a low voice: "We are mainly looking for herbs and hunting for Warcraft."

The big-eyed brother looked at Sue, and there was a sigh in the voice: "Try not to alarm World of Warcraft. If it is dangerous, we still have nothing, it is Su Luo... Hey, so I can try not to do it without doing it."

Li Manman has been too lazy to talk to Su Luo, because he is already numb, unable to say: "Know it! I know it! But if you can, we can earn a lot of points!"

Su Luo staller: "You want to play World of Warcraft to play World of Warcraft, do not care about me." She is now in a state of extreme poverty, I hope to increase the points by hunting.

Li long sneered: "Oh! A small commander of the seven stars, but also want to kill Warcraft? Here even a small rabbit can crush you!"

Her face is very ridiculous, and it is clear that the words of the Soviet Union are used as farts.

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