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"Look! Wind and Shadow Wolf!" Tian Hao shouted.

Wind and Shadow Devil, good at speed, strength is also good, but for Su Luo is nothing but a piece of cake, so Su Luo wants to go up.

But she still didn't move, and suddenly she heard a burst of drink.

"Stop! Don't move!"

The other four people shouted in unison at the same time!

Su Luo suddenly stopped and looked at the four companions who were enemies.

Li Manman directly and unkindly replied: "Hey! You are a burden, don't give us trouble to do things? Why do you want to go up? Do you want us to spend more time and effort to save you?"

Li said that Li was a smattering of the Soviet Union, and when he passed by, he slammed the shoulders of the Soviet Union very rudely, and then he raised the cold sword and flew toward the wind and shadow wolf!

Su Luo was very tolerant and touched his nose generously.

The big-eyed brother was afraid that there was a mustard in the heart of Su’s heart, so he patted the shoulders of Su’s shoulders: “There is a long-lasting heart, but there is no malicious in my heart. Don’t blame her.”

Su Xiao smiled. Anyway, it is a one-time task. After you go back, everyone knows no one, what is it?

Tian Hao also added a sentence: "In fact, Xiao Shimei said that it is correct. You used to add chaos last time, or stand still and do not move! Captain, she gave it to you, can be optimistic!"

Dropping this sentence, Tian Yufei usually rushed up with a fork and Li Manny fights the shadow wolf.

The big-eyed captain and Xu Yin, who stood in the same place, left the Soviet Union in the middle.

Su Luo touched his nose and shook his head in silence.

With the addition of Tian Hao, the Shadow and Shadow Devil wore the enemy's back, and did not persist for a long time and was pierced into the neck by Li Manman, and then fell to the ground.

Li long looked back, proudly stunned the Soviet Union, and raised his chin high.

Su Xiao smiled. The strength of the Lord's star, the wind and the shadow wolf, even a person can quickly end the battle, but this girl is somewhat lacking in the precision and footsteps of the sword, so it will drag Long.

However, looking at Li Manman's triumphant look like a peacock opening screen, there is no point in the Soviet Union, and she is proud to go.

Li Manman has already ran to the big-eyed captain at this time, pulling his sleeves and spoiled and proudly said: "Big-eyed brother, big-eyed brother, take the silver medal out, the original score of the shadow wolf can have 1000! ”

"Silver?" Su Shi swept Li long.

Li has been arrogantly picking his jaw: "What happened to the silver medal? All the candidates, all after 50, are all silver medals! And you can look down on the silver medal, but this is doubled!"

"Oh." Su Luo nodded.

It seems that in addition to the bottom bronze medal, the use of the silver medal is also very wide, and all the people after the 50th place in the dragon list use the silver medal.

Also, if the gold medal is so easy to get, one by one quickly doubled up, can the points be inflationary? Su Luo thought so.

But when she saw Li Longman preparing to take the silver medal to collect points, she suddenly flashed in her head!

After buying food for Xiaoling's pets, she is now in a period of extreme poverty. There are quite a few World of Warcraft points here, and there may be some places to operate.

So, Su Luo called Li Manman: "Wait!"

"Why!" Li Manman glanced at the Soviet Union with impatience.

"You have a silver medal in your hand, you can only double the score." The Soviet Union is not awkward. When you open the door, you say, "But I have a diamond card that can be doubled."

Who knows, after listening to the words of the Soviet Union, Li Manman first glimpsed, then he giggled with his hands on his hips, laughing and tears rolled out.

Not only Li Manman, but even the big-eyed brothers, Tian Hao, and Xu Yin, who had the least sense of existence, these three people even smiled with their mouths, as if this was a funny joke.

Su Luo mouth twitched: "What are you laughing at? What I said is true." Is it really better than real gold?

"Ha ha ha!" Li long laughed and cried out, "Drilling cards? Drilling cards? Do you know how hard it is to get a drill card? Even most of the top ten elders still only use jade cards, you actually have drills. brand?"

Su Luo took out the drill card and shook it in front of Li Manman.

Who knows, Li Manman sneered very rudely: "Don't shake, fake is fake, still want to be us? Some time ago there were many fake diamonds on the market, the three elders have already appeared clarified, all the cards It’s all fake, it doesn’t exist!”

It is also three elders.

This is tantamount to obliterating the special identity of the Soviet Union.

However, Su Luo was very calm at this time, not annoyed or angry, but a faint smile: "This wind and shadow wolf original stone score is 1000, the silver medal is 2000?"

"Of course!" Li long interface.

The corner of the Soviet Union’s mouth slid slightly, and squatted in front of the body of the Wind and Shadow Devil. The diamond card flashed across its head, as if it were a two-dimensional code.

"Drip--" sounded softly, and the score had already entered the so-called drill card.

"Hey!!! What are you doing here! The Shadow Witch is killing me! The points are the whole team. Do you actually grab it?" Li was so angry that he almost jumped.

A few of the big-eyed brothers also looked down on Su.

In this case, the smile of the Soviet Union was still understated. She went to the big-eyed brother and swept the silver medal and shook it. The 2000 points have already passed.

Su Luo picked up his lips: "Check it out and see if there are any points."

Li hastened to grab the silver medal!

Sure enough, I saw an increase of 2000 points.

This silver medal of the big-eyed brother is the entire team account. In order to be fair, the silver medal is concentrated in the Warcraft area, and the points will be distributed after returning to the residential area.

"You..." Li stared suspiciously at the diamond in the hands of Su Luo, frowning. "What the **** are you doing?"

"I said that this is a diamond card, five times the points, gave you 2000 points, I can still earn 3000." Su Luo shook the diamond card, and then put it into the sleeve.

The little friends are facing each other... Is this true?

"Fake! It must be fake!" Li Manman was the first to disagree, and soon found theoretical support for his point of view. "I heard that some of the fake diamond cards are bronzed and some are silver-modified. !"

As for the gold medal, it belongs to the top 50 of the Dragon List. Ordinary people simply cannot reach this level, so there is no artificial fake.

"But what is she doing?" Tian Hao couldn't understand. "If it's a bronze medal, then it's not a swollen face and a fat man." If you are a silver medal, don't you take off your pants and fart - do you want to do it?"

The four people formed a small circle, and they talked about it, and they did not discuss it.

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