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The big-eyed brother came out to play in a round: "Okay, there are crises everywhere, always be cautious, not a place to quarrel. After quarreling and waiting, you can do enough."

Not to mention three women in a play, two women can hold up a play.

After exposing the real strength, it is impossible for Su Luo to want to watch the play again. It is not impossible to be idle. She is also arranged as the main force. Who can call it more?

"Big eyes brother, the poisonous spider on the left pulls, pulls three!"

"Tian Hao, don't sway everywhere, concentrate."

"Xu Yin, you are invisible, yes, the two poisonous spiders on the left are handed over to you, and they are resolved within three minutes."

"And you, Li Manman, condensed into a blade, a blade, what romantic beauty you pursue? Life is almost gone."

Since the exposure of real power, gradually, the fall has become a field control, and the faint has become the core of the entire team, even the big-eyed brothers have retired.

However, Su Luo really has strength. After her control, Xiaoluo team killed Warcraft, the efficiency has doubled before, and everyone's pockets have also been drummed.

For the collection of points, it is natural to take the Soviet Union first.

Li Mann accidentally swept the drill card in the Soviet Union, suddenly his feet were soft and his face was restless.

The original score of each of these demon venomous spiders is 3000, but the splattered plaque has obviously drifted over 15,000! ! !

At this moment, what does Li Manman still do not understand?

She took a step back, another step, and finally stood next to the big-eyed captain, but her eyes still looked at Su Luo, but she said to the captain: "The drill card... I’m afraid it’s true..."

Her look is as if she is dreaming.

Too unbelievable!

The person she had been despising before not only surpassed the strength of the whole team by the strength of the seven stars, and the piece she held in her hand was a real diamond card! ! !

The big-eyed captain just took a sip of water and was picked up: "Cough... What do you say?"

Li Manman grabbed the sleeves of the big-eyed captain and his face was very excited: "It's true! Her diamond card is real! Really five times the score!"

Before she discussed with Tian Hao, the conclusion was that Su Luo took off his pants and fart. Who knows that people are easy and relaxed, just take a picture of the Warcraft head, they will earn more than their entire team! People are really mad at people!

The big-eyed captain looked at Su Luo silently, and finally sighed and patted Li’s shoulder: “She is the one who looks at the other side of Luo’s brother and the city owner. You, don’t target her again.”

Li long screamed twice: "But I still hate her! The innocence of Luo brother is still hanging on her!"

After Li Manman’s death, Li Manman’s lack of hospitality for the Soviet Union has not been ridiculed, and the whole team has never been more harmonious.

After five days, I finally arrived at my destination.

In front is a straight cliff standing upright, and the snake vip grass grows on this cliff.

However, the Soviet Union did not rush to the rash, because all the grasses are guarding Warcraft.

At this time, the thousand-eyed vulture was squatting in the sky, staring at him and hating this group of human beings.

"Or, I am going up?" The big-eyed brother asked the name of Su Luo, but he did not go up.

But Su Luo was frowning and slowly shaking his head. "It's not the time."

"Why? The vulture is not very powerful, the big-eyed brother can deal with it." Li said proudly.

But Su Luo still shook his head: "In addition to the big-eyed brother, there are other people here. We can't deal with it on both sides."

"Other people?" Li said with a doubt, "Where?"

When Su Luo said this, there was a raging laughter in the grass ahead.

"Ha ha ha, the stinky head is good, this is seen by you!"

With this sentence, a group of four appeared in front of the Soviet Union.

Here, because of the inaccessibility of the perennial, the wild grass grows wildly, and there is one person who is tall. They hide in it. No wonder even the big-eyed sight is not found.

Su Luo came to the upper reaches of the mountain and saw no more than ten people, but these three people actually had face-to-face.

"Hey, these three people, aren't the few men who have turned the worry-free fairy all day long with the worry-free fairy?" Li Manman pointed at the number of people. "That is Yan Wei, although it is 95. Because of the long good, I am very favored by the worry-free fairy."

"The black ink, called Moser and Ink, is a twin brother. They are 87 and 88 in Longbang respectively."

"The most powerful thing is the blue shadow inflammation wearing the blue robes with the same color crown band, he is the Dragon List 75!"

There are 75 dragons in the dragon list. There is no concept in the Soviet Union. So she asked: "What about you? How many names is the dragon list?"

Li has been stunned, and finally pointed to the big-eyed brother: "The captain's strength is the strongest, but the dragon list ranks...86..."

Su Luo: "..."

"Then you think, how is my blue shadow inflammation?" asked Su Luo.

Li has silently watched Su’s eyes and finally decided to tell the truth: “You don’t want to look down on the Dragon List 75! Blue Shadow has already been a holy four stars. Do you think you can beat him?”

After the holy step, each star has a great difference in strength.

The four steps of the Holy Order... This is too difficult. The Soviet Union shook his head, and now she is still not sure.

During the speech, the four people in front of him have already appeared in front of Su Luo and others.

"Why are you here?" Li long squinted and asked.

The Heilongjiang World of Warcraft area is extremely wide, and there are more than one hundred people who can enter it. The chances of meeting each other on weekdays are very small, not to mention the fact that these people are not good at watching.

"Why is it here? Of course, I am waiting for you." Yan Yan smiled and smacked his lips and sneered at the Soviet Union. "You are too weak. We waited two days ago. Now, I am waiting for you now."

Li Manman was a fool at this time, and he also saw the intention of the other party.

"What do you want to do!" Li was in front of the Soviet Union.

Yan Yan’s long finger, such as Yu’s finger, opened Li’s hand and sneered: “Nothing, you stay.”

"No!" Li long stood tall.

"Looking for death?" Yan Yan fiercely yelled at Li Manman. "Let's stay, look at Luo's brother's face, but also spare you a life!"

"What about her?" Li Manny pointed to the Soviet Union.

"She? Hehe, offended the worry-free fairy, she still wants to live? Dream!" Yan Yan snorted to the ground.

"Worry-free fairy sent you?" Su’s hands clasped his arms and his face was filled with careless laughter, mocking them.

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