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Yan Yan only looked at the Soviet Union and sneered.

Li Manman was anxious and angry and said: "What are you going to do? Is it not a one-year period? Is it true that you are a life-and-death battle? If it’s not good, since you don’t take the agreement seriously, then Quickly cancel this stinky agreement!"

Li is full of expectations.

But Yan Yan’s words broke her fantasy.

"A year of the covenant, that is the agreement between the worry-free fairy and the Soviet Union, can have nothing to do with us, brothers, you say yes?" Yan Yan evilly directed at the few people smiled.

The few people all showed their smiles, and they greeted Yan Yan with thumbs up.

The indifferent eyes of the Soviet Union swept over, and the corner of his mouth twitched with a sneer. The positions of these people are also very interesting. Although there are only four people, they occupy four positions, surrounded by five people from front to back.

It is a pity that there are 83 dragons on the side of the Soviet Union. The remaining few are not opponents of each other. This is really difficult for the Soviet Union.

The poison of the stupid big sister is personally under the carefree fairy. She knows that the Soviets need snakes and poisonous grasses, so let these four people come to ambush. In this case, the worry-free fairy is definitely affirmation of the strength of these four people.

Li Manman sneered at this time: "Is it a worry-free fairy? Is it right to send you to the front? If you kill the Soviet Union, if you can't kill it, wait for her to shoot a year later? Haha, what is good? Everything is occupied by her!"

Yan Yan frowned: "Li Longman, your brother Luo is going to be output by this girl, you are not angry?"

It stands to reason that this team should hate the Soviet Union. It is because of this speculation that they will stand out so generously, instead of secretly following the instructions of the worry-free fairy.

Because they thought, it was the most tormenting her to rebel against this Xiaoluo team and let the Soviets stand alone and helpless, and they were rebellious and faced with so many people alone!

How can Li Manman not be angry? As long as she remembers the innocence of Luo’s brother, the lungs will be blown up. Although at the beginning she raised her eyebrows at Su Luo, but after a few days of getting along, she changed a lot to Su Luo.

She can bully the fall, but she is absolutely not allowed to bully.

Therefore, Li sneered at Yan Yan and stepped forward, steadily blocking in front of the Soviet Union: "I am angry with me, it doesn't matter to you, but if you want to move the Soviet Union, then it will be from my body. Step on!"

Li’s long response made Yan Yan feel surprised.

At the same time, the big-eyed brothers, Tian Hao, Xu Yin, also occupied four positions, surrounded by the Soviet Union.

Yan Yan sees this, the bottom of his eyes is a sneering sneer.

Lan Yingyan shook his hand, and a long sword appeared in his palm. He said: "It seems that you are preparing to toast and not eating fine wine?"

Ink smiled a little: "A few of you came up to die. As long as you promised that the two will not intervene, look at the brothers of Luo, you can live a life."

But the big-eyed brothers did not completely remove the meaning.

Li Manman knows that once it is done, it is very likely that Su Luo will have a life-threatening disaster, so she quickly yelled: "You can't kill her!"

"Oh?" Ink smiled softly, "Luo brother can not be a dead person."

"Luo Shixiong does not say for the time being, can you dare to violate the orders of the citylors?" Li Manman pointed out that he was down, "She, Su Luo, but the characters of the city owner adults, if the owners of the city come back, you all die, all of them will die." !"

Who knows, the ink is a few, but he laughs happily: "If she is the person who the city owner is hand-picked, we are the pro-son of the city owner!"

Su Luo: "..."

"We have evidence!!!" Li long shouted.

But those few people have not given the opportunity of the fall, I saw blue shadow sneer, low drink: "nonsense, say!"

In Li’s long scream, these four people swooped over like a tiger to the small Luo team.

"Sue Run!" The big-eyed brother suddenly launched the Soviet Union into the battle circle!

After several battles, the people of Xiaoluo knew that the Soviet Union would teleport, so as long as she ran hard, she would be able to run out.

How can Su Run run at this time? If she really ran, the anger of these four people will be directly vented to the head of the Xiaoluo team. It is dangerous for the big-eyed brothers to have several lives.

I don't know how the shape of the Soviet Union moved. She suddenly flashed. When she appeared again, she was already behind Blue Shadow.

Blue Shadow Yan sneered: "It's good!"

But in a flash, they have already removed forty-nine strokes!

Although it was a blue-shadow attack, at the moment his heart was faintly shocked, because the strength of the Soviet Union was far beyond his expectations.

Originally thought that the small commander of the seven stars is very good to deal with, a slap shot can be made into a meat mud, but after the real fight, Blue Shadow inflammation realized that this girl is more difficult to deal with than the Samsung.

That speed, almost as fast as lightning.

That attack power is tyrannical and overbearing.

There is also the flexibility and agility, the rich combat experience, this is not the general command of the seven stars!

"You conceal the strength! You are not the leader of the seven stars!" Blue Shadow inflammation after analysis reached this conclusion.

Su Luo was indifferent and calm, but her heart was not calm, and her mind quickly flashed away from the game.

Now she, even if she goes all out, is not the opponent of Lan Yingyan.

What's more, Su's eyes swept over, and in a moment, the big-eyed brothers were stunned by the other three people, and they were so embarrassed that they could not support the time of a fragrant incense.

Xiaoluo team does not give up on her, she can't do anything to escape. How can I get out of the body and keep the Xiaoluo team?

Under the attack of Lan Yingyan, the Soviet Union lost and the whole line collapsed.


Lan Yingyan slammed together and squatted in the abdomen.

The body of the Soviet Union was like a broken kite. It was thrown away from the distance, and finally fell to the ground heavily. A deep crater suddenly appeared on the ground.

The Soviet Union sipped a blood out of it.

At the same time, Lan Yingyan had already rushed to the ground. He stretched his long arm and pulled the right foot of Su's, and took her whole person out, just like a little fox.

"Hahaha, how do you kill you? Kill? No, no, no, no. It’s too fast. Burning? Not fun. Killing? Too bloody, not good." Very distressed.

"Oh, yes, or you will die! Hahaha--" Lan Yingyan praised his wit.

Then, with his hands, he raised the Soviet Union high above his head, and he slid into the dantian, and he saw that he would fall out of the Soviet Union.

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