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There is a feeling that the meridians are scorched, and the big sweat is dripping from her body.

But this method is cumbersome, but it is also effective. Compared with before, the pain has slowed down a lot.

The stiff and tight body of the Soviet Union began to relax somewhat. The originally distorted features also returned to their original position, and the whole person returned to normal.

As the pain eased, the hand in the body of the Soviet Union was too numb, and the red lotus that was pulled into a silk was gradually explored. The hand has been one-fifth of the lungs.

The meridians in the body are slowly infiltrated and merged by the fallen red lotus under the orderly attack of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union was careful, there was no trace of relaxation, because now she can't make a slight mistake. Once it is wrong, it will be lost.

After walking through the lunar lungs, Su Luo felt her body suddenly shocked!

Su Luo just entered the commanding eight stars, but what made her feel magic is that she felt that her strength has made great progress.

But at this time, her body was soaked with sweat, as if she had been fished out of the water, sweaty.

At this moment, Su Luo wanted to relax on the ground and take a good sleep.

But she knows no.

Once relaxed, it is difficult to reach the current state.

The eyes of the Soviet Union looked at the handle.

Then she did not hesitate to increase the pressure five times again --


Su Luo only felt that all the blood of the whole body rushed over her head, and her face rose red, and the red one could almost bleed.

good very good!

Su Luo whispered in his heart!

The real strength is so tempered. She has already gone too many shortcuts before, but now she should be tempered.

After the fallen red lotus flame finished the hand of the Taiyin lung, it began to walk away from the Yangming large intestine, and then the foot Yangming stomach...

As time passes by, the Soviet Union is constantly blending with the fallen red lotus flame.

In order to be more focused on the fusion of the fallen red lotus flame, the strength of the Soviet Union has risen very quickly, but it has been suppressed by her without breakthrough.

At this time, in the gravity room No. 5, the blue shadow inflammation of the whole person fell into anxiety.

Because he put a part of his attention outside, he was able to sense the situation outside.

He found that from the beginning to the end, the footsteps of the Soviet Union did not sound outside, that is to say!

She has been staying in the gravity room No. 13 and has never been out!

This discovery made Blue Shadow Yan a bad person.

He couldn't do it anymore, and he squatted in the gravity room No. 5, and the whole person fell into anxiety.

He counted the time, now it has been 20 days, the 13th gravity room of the Soviet Union, one day is equal to 130 days!

20 days, I am 2600 days, I am going!

With the talent of the scent of Sue, what kind of realm should she grow to now? Wouldn't it be promoted to two stars in a row? Maybe there will be more... But even if she is promoted to 2 stars, it doesn't matter, she just leads the eight stars, afraid that she will jump to the holy N star~~

Suddenly, the blue shadow inflammation flashed!

He has been worried about the rapid promotion of the Soviet Union, but has forgotten one of the most important possibilities.

For 20 consecutive days, she didn't come out, maybe she was already dead inside! ! !

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