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Will Su Luo really die inside, so I didn’t come out? After all, the Master said that the people who entered it never persisted for seven days.

Blue Shadow is more and more thought, the more I think this possibility is really big.

The more he thought, the happier he was, and he soon laughed happily.

good very good!

After 30 days, if she doesn't come out again, it is dead inside, that is, it won't be defeated. Hahaha~~~

Because it was too pleasant, Lan Yingyan found that it was difficult for him to integrate into the cultivation, and the whole heart was up and down.

In the days that followed, Blue Shadow’s guess on himself was more and more determined.

Because he found that the Soviet Union has never stepped out of the No. 13 practice room!

What about the Soviet Union at this time?

At this moment, she gritted her teeth and her body was shaking.

If you look at it, you will find that the gravity on the wall has risen to 100 times.

Under the weight of 100 times, even if the painful facial features are distorted, she is constantly insisting.

At this time, the fallen red lotus flame has been merged by most of her.

Starting from the hand of the Taiyin lung, followed by the hand Yangming large intestine, foot Yangming stomach, foot Taiyin spleen, hand Shaoyin heart...

A full twelve serious, under the control of the Soviet Union, the fallen red lotus has gone.

Thousands of **** nights and nights, the Soviet Union is immersed in this intense pain every day, without a trace of relaxation.

What is this painful path? It’s hard to imagine others. But the Soviet Union did it.

She not only did it, but she still insisted.

After the completion of the twelve classics, the Soviet Union controlled the fallen red lotus to go through the eight classics.

Du Meridian, Renmai, Chongmai, with veins... The current Sulu is already taking the fifth vein - Yin Weimai.

The vaginal vein starts from the lower jaw, passes through the right chest, continues down, passes through the right leg, and walks to the foot Sanyinjiao on the inside of the calf.

This vein is very long and long and desperate. However, Su Luo clenched his teeth, and his hands were fiercely pulled, and the pressure was increased by 10 times!

110 times the pressure!


The breath of the big mouth and mouth, it seems that this can alleviate those pains, but this is useless, and the pain she suffers is still there.

If the close-up person sees her like this, the tears will surely roll down in an instant.

Because she is so weak, it is really distressing.

Su Luo seems to have no idea, she only cares about cultivating. At this moment, Lan Yingyan is not her current goal, her goal is a worry-free fairy, the high is on, as she is like a sorrowful fairy.

Since Luo brothers took their own bet, she could not disappoint Luo’s kindness and output him. Therefore, even if she died, she must step on the worry-free fairy!

Time is constantly passing.

This day, it is the last day!

Lan Yingyan’s heart crawled like an ant in a hot pot, and he was tangled. He really couldn’t stay any longer, so he rushed out and stayed at the door of the gravity room on the 13th. He had to look at it, the last day of the fall. Can you live out from the inside?

At this time, inside the gravity chamber No. 13.

There was a suffocating pressure throughout the room.

Because the Soviet Union actually lifted the gravity handle up and lifted it to the highest scale.

130 times! ! !

The current Su Luo is under 130 times of weight.

She breathed in a big mouth, breathing very short and very fast.


PS: So greasy! ! ! The rocket flew to the second! ! ! If you run to the first place, tomorrow 15 is better! ! !

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