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I saw her legs slightly bent, and actually set up a horse step on the battle platform. At the same time, she had a small fireball in her hand.

"Hey! What is Su Luo doing? Is she trying to use this small fireball to attack the blue shadow inflammation?" When the worry-free fairy looked almost snoring, the male pet around her suddenly gave a laugh.

Then, the worry-free fairy looked toward the stage.

I saw Su Luo condensed a small, small fireball like a fist, trying to shoot toward the blue shadow.

The little fireball is very ordinary. If you have to say something special, the color is slightly deeper than the normal flame.

Is it really that the attack of these small fireballs can hurt blue shadow inflammation? This is like attacking an elephant, but using an ant as a weapon to lick an elephant... too self-reliant! ! !

Did she actually take such a straw bag as an opponent? Even jealous of her? The worry-free fairy suddenly felt that her brain was broken.

Many people in the audience feel that the brain is broken, and the blue shadow is more like a mouse.

This little fireball, the Soviet Union really attacked the past!

But when I hadn't touched the shadowless shield, the little fireball was pulled back like a rope.

Then Su Luo made a small fireball, and then smashed toward the blue shadow, and when he had not touched the shadow shield, he pulled it back.

In this way, the past happened again and again, and once again pulled back, there is no contact with the shadow shield.

The small fireball that was pulled back did not disappear, one or two... a lot of small fireballs were collected by the Soviet Union. Of course, no one knows where the Soviet Union has received it.

"What... what is it doing?"

"Yeah, is this a life or death battle or a performance show?"

"This is what I have seen, and the most drama of life and death!"

Many people are talking about this.

Since there is no attack by the Soviet Union, everyone has smashed the blue shadows to attack.

However, Lan Yingyan was worried about it. He felt that although Su Luo was deceiving, he must have her reason. He dared not go up to attack. He only dared to use the shadow shield to defend.

If you attack, isn't the shadow shield useless?

Just when the blue shadows are uncertain, when everyone is sleepy and sleepy, when the worry-free fairy is ready to go back -

Hey -

Sue waved his hand.

Suddenly there were countless fireballs in front of her.

These fireballs lingered in front of Su’s body, densely packed, and there were hundreds of visual inspections.

Lan Yingyan was a bit embarrassed and sneered at the scalp: "Do you think these small fireballs can penetrate the defense of the shadowless shield?!"

Su Luo smiled a little: "Can you, you said no."

I saw her hand wave, hundreds of small fireballs began to merge at a speed visible to the naked eye!

how come! How could she merge so fast! Lan Yingyan was shocked, and looked at Su Luo in a silly moment, and his mind was blank!

The group of people in the audience were also shocked. They may have thought before that the Soviet Union would integrate a small fireball, but integration is not a trivial matter. It will consume spiritual power. Where can it be integrated in the blink of an eye like Su Luo?

It is a pity that they did not know that since Su Luo had suffered from the pain in the No. 13 Gravity Room and finally merged the fallen red lotus into her body, her use of the fallen red lotus has reached the realm of freewheeling.

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