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When it comes to integration, it can be integrated instantly.

So, a big fireball appeared soon in front of the Soviet Union!

This oversized fireball is bigger than the Soviets, and it is still growing.

At this moment, the face of Lan Yingyan has finally changed!

However, he still comforted himself in his heart. Nothing is ok, the power of the shadowless shield is unparalleled, and the Soviet Union must not break its defense!

However, at this moment, the fall of the mouth, but the corner of the mouth evokes a light smile, such as the wind and fire without traces of cold, I saw her faintly said: "Go!"

Then, this is a three-story fireball that flies away with the smoke. In fact, the majestic is like a big wave of the sea!

Blue Shadow inflammation constantly retreats, backs...

He can faintly feel that these flames are not simple.

But the people under the stage didn't know, one by one shouting: "What are you afraid of? But it is an ordinary flame, even if it is crushed on you, it will be fine!"

Really okay? Lan Yingyan only felt that the back was soaked in sweat, and the whole person was like a fish from the rain, pale and powerless.

Behind the edge of the battle platform, Lan Yingyan tried to fly, but he suddenly found that his feet seemed to be solidified on the ground, and he could not move.

He turned and wanted to run, but he couldn't walk!

Although he turned to be under the battle table, he found that his body could not move. He turned to look down on Su, and saw the smug smile in her eyes, and suddenly understood, it was the ghost of the fall!


Now what he can do is defense!

Blue Shadow Yan curled up into a ball and firmly stood in front of himself with a shadowless shield -

At this moment, everyone is holding their breath and staring at the shadowless shield!

Everyone wants to know if the shadowless shield can resist the attack of this huge fireball!

Soon, the big fireball is in contact with the shadowless shield!

According to past practice, such a large fireball will be absorbed by the shadowless shield, but this time -

Just when everyone was holding their breath and staring at the shadowless shield, they saw that the part of the fireball that was close to the shadowless shield was actually swallowed up by it!

The shadowless shield madly swallows the fireball!

However, the big fireball does not seem to hurt, and its original sphere is automatically puzzling into a strip shape, bypassing the rear of the blue shadow, and tying up the blue shadow inflammation like a wall.


Hot flames, super high temperatures, hot burning!

At the corner of the battle platform, Lan Yingyan and the shadowless shield were all wrapped in the fireball. As far as I could see, I saw a large piece of flame, a large piece of red, and a blue scream of sharp screams. Panic.

Many people are stunned.

No one has ever seen such a smart flame. Whoever saw the spheroidal body will become a wall-shaped one? The IQ of this flame seems to be higher than humans.

Blue Shadow Yan is afraid that this is a fierce and a little ......

Many people silently sigh in their hearts.

At this time, the worry-free fairy, a pair of beautiful smashing shots of the cold dawn! The anger at the bottom of the eye is so obvious.

The white jade cup in her hand has been crushed by her.

"Idiot!" I don't know who the worry-free fairy is.

10 million points hit the water drift, do not say, no shadow shield to him, he even can be defeated to such a degree?

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