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However, the fact is sometimes that you are afraid of what comes.

Just when everyone is nervous, the shadows look back, the eyes are like pearls, the brilliance is restrained, the soft wave models, the voice line with the pet: "They, bully you?"

Everyone’s brain was dizzy.

Then brush your eyes and look at the Soviet Union!

Don't be aunt, please, don't tell the truth!

Those who had originally chased the Soviets, but now they are kneeling in front of the Soviet Union, bitter face, crying and crying, silently and praying for her weakly.

Su Luo looked at his chin and felt his chin.

Everyone is looking at Su’s eyes and looking forward to it...

At this time, Su Luo asked the filming adults: "Hunting, is it not bullying?"

The original indifferent gaze of the shadow-shaping adult is like a sword that has been unsheathed, piercing the air, watching these ants!

The cold eyes, it seems that the surrounding air has all condensed into frost.

The murderousness in the gaze shook the people, and his face was pale, and the weak one would faint at any time.

"Hunting?" The filming man played with the thumb on his thumb, and the black color was thick, as if it were overcast, but when it was said, it seemed to be with a careless smile.

This kind of embarrassment, the captain of the Spurs almost cried!

He spent a few days with the shadowing adults, knowing that the more he smiled, the more vicious he started.

He once saw with his own eyes that there was a companion carrying the shadow of the adult to complain to the Queen. As a result, the shadowed man was in the presence of the Queen, peeling the skin of the man one by one, and cutting off his flesh. ......

The blood stained the Queen's palace everywhere, but the Queen's hand held a cup of amber wine in his hand, so he smiled and looked at the shadowed man gently.

Thinking of this, the fear in the heart of the captain has been infinitely magnified.

He did not dare to report the unusual relationship between the filming adults and the Soviet Union with the Queen.

"You all **** it," said the shadowing man with a smile.

"Yes, yes, we are damned, we should sin for death, and ask the shadows to give a living." If you can live, who wants to die? After all, after death, nothing is gone.

"Death sin, or living sin..." The shadowed adult turned, the delicate white skeletal section of the fingers, frivolously picked up the squat, "Baby, what do you say?"

The filming master gave the decision to Su Luo.

After a group of people who heard the captain, they suddenly became desperate!

Before they were so close to the Soviet Union, how could the Soviet Union still spare their lives?

They are not not resisting, but the problem is, resisting in front of the shadows? It is only faster to die, there will never be a possibility of escape.

Therefore, when they saw the appearance of the filming adults, even the rebellious mind could not be born.

At this time, the audience's eyes were all concentrated on the Soviet Union.

Who can think that the suspense of the beast was so fast that it was so fast that in the blink of an eye, she was already able to decide the existence of their life and death in one sentence.

Su Luo was interested in playing with her soft hair, and she smiled and smiled like a summer flower.

"Death, or a living sin..." Every time Su said a word, it was like a slamming smashing on the captain of the captain. However, it was so slow that Su Luo said that they were so tormented.

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