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"This is really a tough question." Su Luo sighed and yawned. "Let's do it. You must first collect the fragments of the Dark Heart. If you can live, look at your performance."

In other words, the ability to collect all the fragments of the dark heart, they can live.

The conditions of the fall, suddenly let them excitedly almost carnival!

"Good! The fragments of the dark heart, let's collect it!" The captain of the spurs finished, and the eyes of the inquiry looked at their shadows.

They can't figure out why adults will help outsiders and bully them, but no one can dare to ask this question. After all, no one is too long.

The filming adults nodded.

Then, the savage adult excitedly led his three men, and flew away.

Chu Yang also wanted to run around, but he found that his body could not move at all, and even the strength of a finger was not there.

It’s a bad thing.

Not only him, but also the same.

Su Luo smiled and walked up, looking at Chu Yang condescendingly, with a sarcasm: "Do you think that you are still gone now?"

Chu Yang was anxious to attack the heart, staring angrily at Su Luo: "To kill me, let my sister!"

Su Luo laughed: "To put your sister, you have to tell me first, who are you selling for, who is going to frame me the wrong task, and who is letting you kill me!"

Chu Yang gritted his teeth, don't go too far.


Sue fell, the shadows flashed, and a fierce whip sound came!

"Ah!" In the mouth of Xiaoluo, a shout of screaming and painful.

Su Luo did not smoke the Chu Yang whip, because she knew that for Chu Yang, these physical pains could not threaten him.

But his sister is different.

Xiaolu is now dying, his breath is weakly like a cat, and he can't stand the whip and whip.

Sure enough, after Su Luo lived in Chuyang seven inches, he immediately recognized.

"Stop! I said!"

"Say." Su Luo said that he was listening, and holding a whip, indicating that once he lied, the one who suffered was Xiaoluo.

Chu Yang hates the Soviet Union and hates to gnash his teeth, but he still has to confess: "It is Lu Shaoqi."

"Who is Lu Shaoqi?" Su Luo did not have any impression of such a name.

"No worries fairy mad admirer, his grandfather works in the mission hall." Since already said, Chu Yang does not care to say more.

"Is this worry-free fairy knowing?" Su Luo sneered, in fact, already has an answer in mind.

"The person who pays the deposit is the worry-free fairy." Chu Yang is cold.

Su Luo smiled a little. Sure enough, the person who framed her was really a worry-free fairy.

"Can you let us go now?" Chu Yang's chilly voice rang in the ear of the ear.

"I have said that I want to let you go?" Su Luo looked innocent and stunned.

"You -" Chu Yang angry!

If his actions are unrestricted, then he will definitely rush to go with the Soviet Union!

Su Luo smiled coldly and looked at Xiaoluo: "Since you tell me the truth, I can't always let you suffer, so tell you the truth."

Chu Yang has a hunch that this truth will be cruel.

Sure enough, Su Lian smiled and said: "In fact, killing 064, it is really not your sister, you have misunderstood her."

Xiaolu heard this sentence, and the tears in his eyes rolled down.

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