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Su Luo took a thousand-faced phantom mask, and then she began to think.

Who is better to change?

With, the big fat man of the Mozu, if he can become him, then who else can't change?

Su Luo began to close his eyes and meditate, imagining the appearance of the big rhinoceros.

After a while, Su Luo felt blocked, and she opened her eyes -

Hey, all of them are fleshy, pinch, soft, like marshmallow.

Really turned into a big rhinoceros that fat man?

Hey -

Su Luo wanted to stand up. This time, because the body was too fat, he was stuck in the cave and got stuck.

Su is speechless.

Just then, there was a slap in the face.

Followed by one, one of them is very close to the Soviet Union.

what happened? Is your hiding place discovered? There was a faint glimpse of Su’s eyes.

However, no matter what, you have to change the body back quickly, or you will be stuck in the cave, you can't run out, only wait for the death.

After I finished, Su Luo began to enter the state of meditation, and soon she recovered her original self.

At the moment, the footsteps were almost one meter away from the Soviet Union. He was facing away from the Soviet Union, facing a small tree, and was slamming the water.

Su Luo: "..."

Su sneaked out of the small head and carefully drilled it and glanced at it.

Man in black? Swearing black man?

She recognized it, this group of people was the spurs who had previously held up the white Dapeng bird, which made her and Zhang Wang brothers very cheap.

Are they not chasing after the brothers? How come back?

At this time, the spurs who were only one meter away from the Soviet Union were facing the other person who was a little further away: "38, are you sure that the **** is hiding in the grass?"

38 Black people said: "Well! Others don't believe, you still don't believe my eyes?"

At the end, the 38th said: "39, don't you believe me?"

39 While shaking the water, I shook my head: "I believe! Your eyes are the eyes of the fire, and the adults have boasted, can I not believe?"

At this time, No. 38 was proud: "Hey, the filming adult also shot my shoulder!"

This is one of the things he is most afraid of, and he can be praised by the filming adults, let him die immediately, he is willing!

No. 39 is envious and envious: "In fact, my light work is also very good..."

But did not get a shadow of the adults.

Answer No. 38: "When the words come back, where did you just say? Oh, that is the little girl who was caught, I recognized it, it is definitely the one who was killed by the Queen!"

Shocked on the 39th: "Are you sure?"

"And I also saw that the man put the man here, and when he left, he ran out with the branches wrapped in his robe, but he could not escape my eyes!" No. 38 was proud.

"Good brother!" screamed on the 39th.

If he didn't stop him on the 38th, he didn't have such a good opportunity to make a good contribution, so I especially thanked No. 38 on the 39th.

No. 38 smiled: "You continue to solve your hand, I went around and saw where the **** was placed. It is said that the **** is weak, and it is 100 in the upper reaches of the mountain!"

On the 38th, he said that he has gone far.

In the narrow cave that is only one meter away from the 39th, the Soviet Union silently spits: The information update is really slow. I still think she is in the upper mountain row 100?

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