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I don’t know how Zhang Wang’s brother is...

Su Luo looked at the thousand-faced phantom mask in his hand, and his mouth twitched with a sly smile.

Just when the water was lifted on the 39th -

It’s too late, it’s fast!

In the sleeves of the Soviet Union, the skulls of the Huaihua are shaken out, and the figure is fast and flying!

Gravity space directly covers the 39th!

Just when the 39th was found to be wrong, the Huanhua Dagger had arrived!


Yan Hua’s head crossed the throat of No. 39, and suddenly, the blood rushed out!

Poor No. 39, he couldn't think of it. The place less than one meter behind him actually ambushed the girl who was slain in the legend, and the strength of this girl is definitely not only 100 dragons!

This sneak attack, Sue knows that the strength of the 39th is very strong, so she is using all the milk!

All her cards are thrown out!

Mutant Acacia Tree, Little Fox, Fallen Red Lotus, Shadow Sword -


On the 39th, I just turned back and counterattacked, and I was dizzy by these stuns. At the same time, the slashing knife and red knife entered the white knife!

The 39th provoked the fall, and he fell into the blood of eight generations like the black Dapeng bird.

His figure is shaking.

A pair of eyes glared at the incredible.

This face... This face is the face of the Queen’s murder...

Originally he wanted to hunt her, but the result seemed to be in her hands... God’s will...

The figure No. 39 swayed and was about to sound a warning to the companion.

"Hey!" The sword in the hands of Su Luo shot him to the throat!

Suddenly, the shadow sword pierced his mouth directly and went out from the back of his head.

Poor 39 turned his eyes and spurted blood.

At this time, the No. 38 seemed to hear the movement, and the voice came from afar: "39, not coming over!"

Before the death of the 39th, the last glance, he used his eyes to smug his eyes!

Although he is dead, he will definitely avenge him on the 38th!


No. 39 trembled on the lips.

He couldn't say it, only a faint breath, barely revealing a little breath.

"Good! Come over now!" Su Luo shouted at No. 38 on the face of No. 39.

That voice, that tone, live off is no different from the 39th, even on the 39th himself, did not recognize it! ! !

I have a rub! No. 39 is very eager to swear, why is this stinking head imitating his voice imitating so good?

Moreover, at this time, the 39th watched the **** the killing, and she changed her mind...

She turned into a look of her own!

I went to go! ! !

No. 39 is going crazy!

How can this be? !

Can imitate his voice, but she can still change and become his appearance? That is not...

No. 39 has completely guessed what the Soviet Union is doing!

She is going to lurk into the interior of the squad, she is going to replace his existence!

After learning the truth on the 39th, he was so anxious to cry, and he cried "squeaky" in his throat, but only made a slight hoarse noise, and there was no way to warn his companions!

At this time, on the 39th, I took a look at the Soviet Union and tried my best to communicate the communication in his arms...

Once his communication is shattered, he can warn his companions!

No. 39 kneads the communication 珏.

At this time, Su Luo has realized this, and her heart is in a hurry!

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