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Su Li quickly rushed some of the human-level weapons and ground-level weapons stolen from the mausoleum these days, and slammed them into the mouth of the war god.

The **** of war needs ample aura to wake up.

When the Soviet Union almost stuffed all the weapons earned these days into the belly of the God of War, the God of War finally slowly opened the cold gods!

Sue was relieved for a long time.

If he is refilled with his spiritual power, the Soviet Union must consider that the seal of the weapon has been swallowed up by him. Fortunately, the weapon imprint can still be preserved.

The **** of war squinted with a pair of eyes and shimmered.

At this moment, the thunderballs at the top of the party are getting bigger and bigger, and the dazzling radiance is brighter than the day.

At this moment, the gathering of thunderballs has reached the apex -


The sound of destroying the earth and destroying the land blasted toward the small Soviet Union and the little dragon!

For a moment, it seems that the sky is falling, the mountains and rivers are reversed!

That is at this moment.

Everyone thought that when the Soviet Union and the Little Dragon were going to die, there was one more person in front of the Soviet Union.

God of War!

The **** of war stands like a god.

The figure is sturdy and burly, just as calm as the Mount Tai.

I saw his hands doing the top of the sky!

It seems that his hand can hold up a day!

Thunder burst!

Almost all of the power was absorbed by the God of War, and when it was passed to the Soviet Union and the Little Dragon, there was only a little power left.

Su Luo also wants to run, but where can I run at this time?

She can only bite her teeth and then bite her teeth, insist on persisting, and try to give this to the past!

Although it is only a small power, but in the case of the Soviet Union, it is almost irresistible.

The white light burst open.

Su Luo threw all her cards.

Gravity space gravity! Power arm bones sword! All kinds of defensive armor and potions, do not desperately overlap and protect themselves and the little dragon.

When the blasted, the **** of warfare resisted most of the thunder and the light of the thunder, when it fell into the body of the Soviet Union, the thundering lightning was like a violent tide, killing the fragile river embankment.

"Oh--" More defenses can't prevent the body of the Soviet Union. She only feels a terrible pain in the chest, and a blood rushes from the throat.

"Puff puff--"

It is also seven consecutive blood.

Compared with Su Luo, Xiao Shen Long is really the darling of heaven.

When the slight thunder of the gods attacked, I saw that the fur was shaking and turned into the hardest armor!

The Thunder, which was shot on it, was turned back by it.

After the event, it shook the fur, and it was a fluffy, soft, furry, cute look.

After Su Luo saw it, he wanted to vomit blood.

This is the talent gap...

I heard that she also hatched from the egg, but why did she have such a metamorphosis of talents? Eggs are better than eggs, really mad~~

Su sighed and turned, and then found her own brain dizzy.

Su Luo knew that she could not hold on for a long time.

This time the thunder has passed.

The dense clouds have disappeared, and the sky has regained its glory.

Su still remembers that she had three enemies.

The Mozu, the Spurs, and the Laughing Squad where the Ice Fairy is located, all of whom must grab her weapon mark.

The white tiger club has just been squandered by her income space, and the rest of the weapons are imprinted and she will not let go.

"Come on." Su Luo held the little dragon, jumped on the **** of war, sat on his shoulder, and quickly told him, "How far can you run, how far you can run, open those people!"

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