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After the thunder, the previous contradictions resurfaced, and her fall became a target.

Although the God of War is a foodie, he has eaten a lot of treasures, but the key moments have saved the life of the Soviet Union.

There is not much energy left in the war gods at this time, but they can still persist.

After listening to the words of the Soviet Union, the **** of war slammed the Soviet Union and took a big stride, and the smashing land turned into a streamer, and the speed of disappearing was very fast.

"Catch!" The first reaction of the ice fairy is to chase.

But Lin Xiaofeng swept away coldly.

The speed of the war gods, even in their heyday, can not catch up, not to mention the injury of the fairy, down.

The ice fairy is so angry that he has a fist!

The little dragon did not get it, the white tiger stick disappeared in a hurry, and he was chased by Chu... This is a bad thing?

"I didn't expect this Su really to have two things. I was able to ask for a war god. We really looked down on her." Chu Xunyang said angrily.

"Catch!" The squad leader struggled to stand up and chase in the direction of the disappearance of the **** of war.

Lin Xiaofeng thought about it and said, "We also chase, I have a hunch that the energy of the **** of war can't last long."

Thus, the figure of the road ran in the same direction as the arrow of the string.

The big rhino has not returned yet!

Aunt! The thunder was scared to death just now! The big rhinoceros smacked his chest and found that his chest was still leaping and plopping, only to find that he was still alive.

"Little daughter-in-law, little wife!" The big rhinoceros who came back to God also chased in the direction of the disappearance of the Soviet Union.

At this moment, the Soviet Union sat on the shoulders of the God of War.

The **** of war took a big step and moved forward quickly.

The head of the Soviet Union is getting more and more heavy and more and more blurred.

She was afraid that she would fall from the **** of war, so she took the roots and tied herself to the neck of the **** of war.

Compared with the huge body of the God of War, the Soviet Union is so small that it is as small as the necklace hanging around his neck.

Mercedes along the way.

Ten miles.


Thousands of miles.



Big river.



One day and one night, the God of War ran to the end of the sky with almost a Soviet Union.

In the end, he finally got close to exhaustion, and he carefully placed the Soviet Union on the flat grass, and he himself fell to the ground and fell into a deep coma.

At this time, the Soviet Union fell into a deep coma.

The only thing that is sober is the little dragon.

The day has passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

However, Su Luo still has no signs of waking up.

She was lying on her back, her hands on the abdomen, pale and bloodless, and there was a trace of pain in the face of the world.

Even if she is lethargic, she is still noble like a princess.

The little dragon rounded around the Soviet Union.

Turned round and round.

In the end, it turned itself out of frustration, so it was helplessly kneeling beside the head of the Soviet Union, resting his head on the two front paws, and the beautiful eyes of the wet look pitifully.

That eye, staying cute, too painful.

Xiao Shenlong stretched out his small claws and poked the Soviet Union.

no response.

Poke again.

Still not responding.

Xiao Shenlong grievances with a rosy little mouth, do not know what to do.

So hungry... The little **** dragon has been licking the little belly.

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