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He was bitten by the little dragon and was destined to die, but he did not die so fast. He pretended to keep the last breath and told the members of the sting.

However, his death can not escape the eyes of the Soviet Union?

"You..." The captain was forced to open his eyes and screamed at the fall!

Su Luo was in his body and whispered in his ear: "You are very smart, but you can't die, you can go with peace of mind."

In the hands of Su Luo, the shadow sword was stirred in his heart, and his heart suddenly became a mass of meat.

Now it is a three-way melee. Everyone is desperate for the inheritance of Bai Ze. If both the stab and the demon know that she is secretly playing a ghost, she will be very dangerous.

After confirming that the captain was really dead, Su Luo stood up.

At this time, the two sides have only left each other's captain.

The tiger head saw Su Luo killing a master of stabbing, and immediately he was happy: "Old bear, killing is good, killing is wonderful, hahaha!!! Come help me, give him killed!"

Su Luo thought, if you help the captain of the Spurs to kill, then you can not get the weapon imprint on your old back, can be lost.

Su Luo staggered and stood up and said, "Well, I will help you right away."

When the captain saw it, it was broken! Two dozen one must lose!

He immediately wanted to slip away.

But this time,

The voice of Su Luo had not finished yet, and her body slammed down. It seemed that she could not get up when she struggled. She was exhausted and stunned.

When the captain saw it, he laughed: "Ha ha ha, it seems that the sky is not dead, look at the trick!"

Squatting Captain's mood at this time is from **** to heaven, full of fighting power!

The tiger head snorted, but did not dare to sneer, the squeaking of the claws!

Because he has always fought against the captain of the Spurs, he has no innocent avatars, so he does not know that the Xiongtou people actually did not grow up with the dead scorpion squad, and they did not know that Su Luo was actually not injured.

Therefore, the Spurs captain and the Hutou people thought that there were only two of them on the scene.

They all know that whoever wins can take away the weapon mark of each other!

This is a good thing like never before!


Kill and kill! ! !

The captains of both sides killed that it was called a wind and water, earth-shattering, and the world was discolored!

Both of them made every effort to make every effort.

This battle, only hit the sky dim, blood stained Changyang!

Three days!

The two men’s life and death battles lasted for three full days. In the end, both of them were exhausted, not to mention holding weapons, and they could not stand even.

The captain of the Spurs used the remaining strength to push the Hutou people back -

This force, even the ordinary people's strength is not up, but the imperial leader of the sacred leader, the head of the tiger head, pushed the **** to the ground and fell heavily on the ground.

The captain of the Spurs himself did not have a good place to go. He was also slammed back by the force of the force, and finally he could not fall to the ground.

The two fell, violently breathing, breathing vigorously.

But I have to kill each other.

So the tiger head struggled to stand up.

But his size is too big, and he struggles for many times and can't stand up.

The squad leader smiled, and with the cold sword, he finally swayed up and moved up step by step.

Just ten meters away, the captain of the Spurs went through a whole fragrant time.

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