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Ok, very good, finally moved to the front of the tiger head.

The squad leader raised his sword and poked the tiger head.

However, the skin of the Hutou people was too rough and too thick, and they could not poke.

"Ha ha ha - ha ha ha -" Hutou people laughed wildly, laughing almost suffocating.

The captain of the Spurs was almost mad, and then he grinded it with the tip of the sword at the heart of the tiger head and grind it in a little.

He believes that the water can be worn, and it can always be worn in...

Who would have thought that the two sacred peaks were strong, and finally they were fighting like three-year-old children?

That sword is grinding...

When will this be worn?

When she fell out of the way, she couldn’t stand it. She stood up and held her little dragon in her arms and walked slowly.

Seeing the shadows shrouded, the captain and the tiger head looked up at the same time -

"You are fine?!"

The two are equally shocked!

Spurs captain is scared!

The tiger head is a surprise!

The two men reacted differently, but one pair of eyes stared at the Soviet Union for a long time.

Sue shrugged: "I certainly didn't die, I slept a little, and I was much more comfortable."

The tiger head is very happy: "Ha ha ha, I know I can't die! Old bear! Kill him! Hahaha-"

The Hutou people have not been so excited in this life.

When the captain of the Spurs saw that the situation was not good, he turned and wanted to run, but he was handcuffed by Su Luo.

"You can't run away, save your effort." Su fell to the ground and threw him on the ground. Then she gave instructions to Xiaoshenlong.

The little dragon rushed up to the raging tiger head, and the small paw pointed at his huge head and snorted!

The head of the Hutou people is like a cracked watermelon. It suddenly became a group...

The captain of the spurs looked straight and said: "You..."

Su Luo said: "I see you are so slow, they are anxious for you, so help you, you have no opinion?"

"No, no opinion..." The captain of the Spurs suddenly had a good hunch. Was the bear head a stinger?

Su Luo nodded and said in a serious way: "Since I helped you, then you can help me back."

"What do you want me to do? I will help you!" The captain of the Spurs attempted to temporarily stabilize the Soviet Union.

As long as he gives him time, his strength can be restored as before, and it may not be impossible to fight at that time.

Su Luo smiled and said: "I want your head."

"You!" The captain of the Spurs was furious, and he quickly rushed back and shot!

Just now he saved a little effort and used it all at this moment.

But he hasn't ran a hundred meters yet, and the little dragon has flew to the top of his head.

Xiao Shenlong did not shoot, just sitting on the top of his head, let him run with him.

Running and running...

The Spurs captain finally exhausted and died...

Su Luo also collected the two weapons marks in the hands of the captain and the tiger head.

At this time, there are already twelve kinds of weapons in the hands of the Soviet Union.

In this white world, the three parties, so many people, but only in the hands of the Soviet Union, have already occupied two-thirds, which can be called a miracle.

After the captain’s body was cleaned up, the Soviets quickly left with the little dragon.

This method of Susuo was very useful at first, but the Mozu and the Spurs were not fools. Soon, their top management found that there was something wrong with it!

So I sent someone to check it out.

The discovery of cockroaches is more and more strange.

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