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There was a painful snoring in the mouth of the golden-winged Dapeng bird.

The golden-winged Dapeng bird was really tossed and broken.

I just tried to practice the boxing. Now, if I practice the sword, every sword is cut on the inner wall of his stomach.

The shadow sword is the sharp sword, which almost pierced the inner wall of the golden-winged Dapeng bird's stomach.

The poor golden-winged Dapeng bird was so tossed by the Soviet Union, and it was almost mad.

I saw his body stumbled and swayed in the air, as if he would smash down at any time and hit the broken bones.

In this way, the golden-winged Dapeng bird can no longer fly.

It slammed its tumbled stomach, struggling to fall, and finally landed on a deserted island.

"Hey--" Golden-winged Dapeng bird gasped and gasped.

At this time, even if the golden-winged Dapeng bird is stupid, it also thinks of the key to the matter.

Not long ago, he swallowed a person hard, will not be digested yet? !

The golden-winged Dapeng bird finally got a truth.

After someone else is swallowed, it will definitely be dissolved by stomach acid, but the Soviet Union is different.

She has gravity space. At the crucial moment, the gravity space is draped on her body and protected.

Not to mention she does not have five bones to integrate with the body? These five bones merged to form a god, and the defense is terrible.

How could such a suture dissolve in the stomach fluid of the golden-winged Dapeng bird?

Because they did not know each other, so the seven elders were miscalculated.

The golden-winged Dapeng bird stopped to rest, and the Soviet Union did not toss him again.

However, when the golden-winged Dapeng bird was about to take off, the Soviet Union sensed it, so she was practicing the dragon and the sword.

In this way, the golden-winged Dapeng bird was tossed enough.

However, when the golden-winged bird does not move, the Soviet Union will not toss it.

As a result, the golden-winged Dapeng bird will understand the meaning of the Soviet Union.

Where does it dare to move, let alone fly to the Mozu.

The golden-winged Dapeng bird stayed on the island honestly.

He urged the internal force day after day to dissolve the Soviet Union.

I have to know that the fall is a big supplement.

Once he really dissolves and absorbs the colon, his strength will increase.

At this time, the Soviet Union, in his stomach, is constantly practicing.

Of course the best way is to go out.

But with the strength of the Soviet Union, she simply couldn’t get out.

If you are anxious to the golden-winged Dapeng bird, and you are so angry that you are with yourself, then Su is really crying and crying.

So fall is also quiet.

She squatted in the belly of the golden-winged Dapeng bird and began to practice swords and practice the sword of the goddess.

However, Su Luo’s heart is still a little anxious.

You know, three months later, she was born and died with a worry-free fairy.

If she can't go back, things will be bad.

The day after day, the Soviet Union tried to practice the golden-winged Dapeng bird belly.

At this time, the seven elders returned to Purgatory City with a happy mood.

The four elders took a lot of people to meet at the gate of the city.

When I saw the seven elders, the four elders were very happy. They greeted them and patted the shoulders of the seven elders and said, "You are finally back, thank you!"

The seven elders made a sorrow, and they lowered their heads in silence.

Seeing the expression of the seven elders, the four elders squinted, and suddenly there was a bad feeling.

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