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The four elders glanced at the team and suddenly he was shocked.

The seven elders felt the eyes of the four elders, and their hearts were secretly proud, but their faces showed a more painful expression.

Lao Ba, you can go with peace of mind, Purgatory City has no place for you.

At the same time, the seven elders were secretly smug in their hearts. Fortunately, they dealt with the Soviet Union. Otherwise, she came back to nonsense, but did she bring a lot of trouble to herself?

But the four elders did not mention the eight elders. One of his reactions was to hold on to the collars of the seven elders. The words were stern: "Sore? Tell me where the Soviet Union is?"

The four elders are really going crazy.

Others don't know the identity of the Soviet Union, can he still know?

Even the lion king uncle is called Su Xiaoxiaoshu!

The seven elders screamed, why not ask the old eight? It hurts him so much.

"Sue ah?" There was a trace of doubt in the eyes of the seven elders. He originally wanted to say that Su was dead, and changed his mind when he went to the throat.

"Su Luo got the inheritance of Bai Ze, and I must still practice retreat!" The seven elders said with a smile.

Sure enough, he was right.

When the four elders heard this sentence, they suddenly couldn’t see their eyes.

"Bai Ze inheritance? Hahaha! Is Bai Ze's inheritance really got him? It's so good! Great!" The four elders were almost too excited to be themselves, and they were going to tears.

The seven elders frowned deeply. The fourth reaction is not quite right!

"Is this Su Shi..." Seven elders want to stop.

Is it the ellipsis behind that seven elders actually do not know, he is just asking four elders.

The four elders were only happy but did not answer him. He said after he finished laughing, "Old Seven, you are a man of merit!"

The brows of the seven elders wrinkled deeper.

"Since it is a legacy, I don't think I will come back in a short time. I really hope that after this girl returns, she will be able to rise and kill the Quartet." The four elders became a sly old man.

The seven elders secretly snorted.

You are a fourth child, it is too eccentric, and the Soviet Union kills the Quartet. Isn't our family worry-free?

You still hope that Su Luo will return to the magical powers to kill the Quartet, the next life!

The fall of this life has been swallowed by the golden-winged Dapeng bird, and it is no longer possible to come back.

"Yeah, yeah, I will definitely be back, hehehe..."

The seven elders laughed and glanced at the people behind them.

The few people also had a complicated smile in their eyes.

"Look at them?" The four elders finally noticed that he was a lover.

"Zhang Wang and a few disciples have gone with us. The metal aircraft is on the lookout, they will definitely be able to recover."

This time, the seven elders did not lie.

"This is fine, this is good." The four elders nod. "There are old eight leaders, I am also assured."

The seven elders paused, pretending to be a painful color, and he slammed down: "I am sorry for you, the fourth oldest!"

The four elders were stunned by the seven elders: "What happened?"

"Old eight he ... old eight he ... in the world of Bai Ze was taken away by Warcraft, unfortunately martyrdom!" Seven elders crying tears and nose are down, it looks particularly sad.

Anyway, only one person in the Soviet Union knew that the Eight Elders were killed by the Seven Elders. Now that Su Luo is dead, the Seven Elders certainly want to play.

Listening to the words of the old seven elders, the four elders suddenly collapsed.

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