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The old eight is dead?

This incident is too sudden, and the four elders have not returned to God for a long time.

The seven elders made a difference: "The old eight died to save the Soviet Union! He died too bad!"

The purpose of the seven elders is to make everyone blame the fall.

After all, one is a disciple and the other is an elder. Anyone will choose an elder.

But the four elders yelled at the seven elders: "The old eight is right, he died to save the Soviet Union, and he died! He is the great benefactor of our Purgatory City!"

Seven elders: "Ah?"

That being said.

As time passed, Zhang Wang’s brothers all came back, but they still did not see the traces of the Soviet Union.

The four elders began to be anxious.

Seeing that the life and death duel of the Soviet Union and the Worrying Fairy is about to begin, she has not yet returned.

The four elders couldn’t wait any longer, so he personally led the team to find the Soviet Union.

After the four elders left, the upper mountain was almost in the hands of the seven elders.

Then gradually there was a discordant voice coming out.

"I heard that Su Luo is dead?"

"No, not that she got the inheritance of Bai Ze, is she retreating?"

"No, no, the news I got was that this is a fall, she is not a good person."

"Oh? How do you say this?"

"I heard that in order to get the inheritance of Bai Ze, she has killed the eight elders!"


"Not only that, she also grabbed a lot of treasures, and the same brothers and sisters who went to hate her!"

"Special Chu brothers, Su Luo squatting that he is the inheritor of Bai Ze, she has stolen all the treasures in the hands of Master Chu."

"She was too greedy, and it was because of this that she was killed outside."

"So, is the Soviet Union dead?"

"I don't think Su Shi Ba Cheng is dead, deliberately suspended!"

“Why should you deliberately die?”

"This is not easy? You think, Su Luo has agreed with the worry-free fairy to fight the battle of life and death! It is said that the worry-free fairy is practicing the taboo, the strength is skyrocketing. It is said that three days ago, the worry-free fairy to test their strength, She is fighting the ice fairy."

When you heard this, everyone’s face showed excitement.

"How is it? How is the result?"

"The result turned out to be a worry-free fairy to win, it should be said that there is no suspense to win! Not only that, but after the ice fairy and Chu Xunyang brothers add up to fight with the worry-free fairy, you guess how to recruit? The result turned out to be Still no worries fairy won!"

"Scorpio! Before the worry-free fairy, but the dragon list 50, Bingqing fairy and Chu Xunyang brothers are all top ten!" All the people were shocked!

"The worry-free fairy is really fighting for the duel with the Soviet Union. It is said that after the operation of the taboo, it is difficult to make progress in the future."

"It’s still half a month away from the battle between life and death. God knows how much strength the fairy can soar in this half-month!"

"It's no wonder that Su Luo is going to die, how can she fight such a powerful worry-free fairy? Su Luo can't even beat the ice fairy."

"So, it is a coward."


"Don't fight."

For a time, everyone will boast the worry-free fairy to the sky, and at the same time, the Soviet Union will step on the mud.

Of course, these words were also passed to Li Luoming in their ears.

Li Luoming gloated in disaster, Ouyang interest long and short sigh, neither of them came out to blame for the Soviet Union.

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