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This stinky girl...

When is the strength so powerful to this point!

If it wasn't for her escaping, I was afraid that she had already lost her life under her shadow sword!

Once upon a time, this stinky head was still weak and she could be crushed to death with one hand.

How long has it been! She actually has the ability to kill herself.

This growth rate is terrible!

The three elders are deeply jealous because of the enchanting talent of the Soviet Union, with their strong alert!

No, absolutely can't let her grow up again, be sure to take this opportunity to kill her!

In the enchanting genius, once fallen, it can only become history.

After thinking about it, the three elders no longer have Tibetan mastiffs. She used all her strength to make the best of her cards.

The three elders who made the cards are terrible!

Su Brow's brow wrinkled.

She and the **** of war can temporarily resist the three elders, but the war gods have been unable to persist for a long time.

"Full attack!" The Soviets succumbed to the **** of war.

God of War condensed the original ten minutes of energy into one minute.

As a result, the strength of the God of War is mad in an instant!


The **** of war is in the palm of his hands, and he keeps attacking! keep going!

The land under his feet is centered on him and is broken like a spider web!

The God of War attacked, and the three elders lost.

The three elders did not realize that the Soviet Union had already been teleported and stood behind her.


The sound of a weapon into the meat was clearly heard.


The three elders screamed, the voice was sharp and painful.


Who can think that the three elders who have always been high in the world will actually hurt the hands of the Soviet Union.

I saw Su Luo standing behind her, the shadow sword running through her chest.

This is also the vigilance of the three elders for dangerous instinct.

When the shadow sword stabbed, she subconsciously, and her body shape was biased!

This is the bias. Although the three elders were injured, they also saved a life.


The three elders turned their heads and looked at the Soviet Union, and they were so angry!

At this moment, blood rushes out of her chest!

The wound is only a few millimeters from the heart!

Not waiting for the Soviet Union to hold the sword in her wounds, the three elders have already stepped forward, and the wound left the shadow sword.

You know, the Soviet Union never gives people a chance.

The Soviet Union has taken the upper hand here.

The six elders there are also in victory.

The five elders have been compared to the six elders for so many years, and they have only lost the shares, but they have not won.

This time is no exception.

After a few fights, the six elders directly swayed the five elders.

His old man found a red rope from his arms. This red rope is commonly known as the gods.

The six elders did not say anything, and tied the five elders directly.

I tied his hands to the back and then played a knot.

"You are a bastard, let me go!" The five elders yelled at the ground.

But the six elders simply put a white stocking from the five elders' legs and stuffed them into the five elders' mouths.

"Call? See how you call it! Hey!" The six elders are cold and cold.

"Hey--" The five elders made a squeaking noise, but no one could understand what he was expressing.

But said that Su is over there.

The **** of war slammed his feet to the three elders!

This last foot contains endless spiritual power, huge power!

Although the three elders hid in the past, they were swept by the wind and the wind, and the body shuddered.

What makes the three elders depressed is that Su Luo has already carried the shadow of the sword.


A clear sound.

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