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Just as the God of War fainted, the Soviet Union fell to the arm of the three elders!

"Ah!" the three elders screamed.

She looked at her right arm!

There was blood, and the rushing out of the ground.

Just as the three elders were incredibly screaming, the Soviet Union was a sword stabbed in the past!

The three elders have another deep sword injury!


The three elders are almost mad by the Soviet Union.

At this time, the six elders have already swayed the five elders.

He rushed up without saying anything, and directly tied the three elders to me!

The three elders yelled and yelled: "You are looking for death in the sixth year! Turn your elbows out! Let me go!"

The three elders are getting mad!

However, the six elders did not let go of her, but instead tied the three elders tighter.

He patted the head of the three elders: "Shut up!"

The three elders almost bite him!

Until this time, the talents of the audience returned.

"..." Actually the three elders lost here!

Today's show is really lively, too eye-opening.

The three elders and the five elders are tied, this is unprecedented!

Who can think of the battle between the two students, will it be implicated in the two elders?

Who can think that the two elders who helped worrylessly lost even...

The poor three elders were **** and the blood flowed to the ground...

The worry-free fairy is full of faces.

She shook her head incredulously, shaking her head and stepping back.

Sue swept her.

This war is caused by her, she still wants to run?

"What the **** is going on?!" The six elders whispered around the circle and finally settled on the five elders.

Five elders screamed and turned away.

This matter... he is not ruling.

Su Luo was calm and smiled.

I saw her body flashing, and when I came back, I was holding a man in my hand.

The carefree fairy who was originally glamorous and domineering was now picked up by the garbage of the Soviet Union and then thrown onto the stage.

Under the eyes of the public, the worry-free fairy feels terrible.

But now, even her three elders are so embarrassed, how can we care for her again?

"What happened?" asked the six elders.

Others are naturally silent.

Su Luo slightly raised his lips and said: "I and the worry-free fairy set a life and death contract a year ago. Today, the battle on the stage is a battle."

The six elders understood that he nodded to the Soviet Union and gestured to continue.

"The worry-free fairy has fallen. When he is dead, the five elders are coming. This respectable five elders are not forced to fight with my student."

Su Luo said with a smile.

Her look was faint, but the mocking smile at the bottom of her eyes did not hide.

The six elders are also speechless.

It’s too ugly to eat this old five, it’s just...

"How do you say the old five?!" The six elders are about to be mad.

Because the current situation is that Su Luo won the worry-free fairy, won the five elders, and won the three elders.

The worry-free fairy, the five elders, and the three elders all sit down on the ground...

The six elders were helpless. He turned to look at Su Luo: "What do you want?"

Everyone's gaze brush is concentrated on the face of the Soviet Union.

If there is only a worry-free fairy, it’s okay, but now it involves two elders. Can Su really really hesitate to kill even the two elders without hesitation?

This is simply not possible.

Everyone feels that Su Lu will definitely open up this time, and the big things will be small and the small things will be changed.


Su Luo smiled coldly: "Of course it is to do things according to the rules."

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