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Listening to Shen Lao said that he received the evidence that he killed the eight elders.

The words of the seven elders are enough to prove that he killed the eight elders.

"God, did the seven elders really kill the eight elders?"

"Why do the seven elders want to kill the eight elders?"

"Even if you kill yourself, the seven elders are too horrible!"

"I don't know horror, but it's still a wolf ambition!"

The reputation accumulated by the seven elders for many years has been ruined at this moment.

Su Luo looked at the seven elders with a smile.

The seven elders stared coldly at the Soviet Union, waiting for her to show evidence.

Today's seven elders are already unlucky enough, but even more unfortunate is still behind -

What the seven elders didn't think was that Su Luo had both hands spread, and regretted watching the seven-seven elders with a condemnation: "How can you kill the Eight Elders? You are terrible!"

The seven elders were simply stunned.

What is the installation of this Soviet Union? Actually, I know this now!

But when Su Luo said this, it shows that she has no evidence in her own hands.

The seven elders were simply stupid by the Soviet Union!

"You lie! You clearly have evidence!" The seven elders screamed loudly.

Su Luo was helpless: "I really don't have evidence of your murder. How can you lie?"

The seven elders were shackled.

Su Luo sighed again: "Seven elders are really strange. Others can't wait to cover up the fact of killing. You don't say that I have the evidence to kill you. Do you think you are not fast enough?"

The seven elders slammed into their throats and couldn't keep up.

It’s just that! Obviously, you sent me the rules set, but now he is talking about him?

However, at this time, the seven elders finally realized that Su was playing with him.

If he says there is no evidence, the Soviet Union will produce evidence.

If he says there is evidence, the Soviet Union will be innocent.

But behind her, she stood still a big man who did not ask for the sorrow and grief.

It’s really mad!

The urban master stared at the seven elders coldly, then asked Su Luo: "Is this going to kill?"

Because the seven elders made a mistake, they will die when they make a mistake.

How can it be so cheap for the seven elders?

"The kill is definitely going to kill, but before killing -"

Su Luo smiled at the seven elders, revealing a demonic evil laugh, turned to ask Master Yun Yun: "Master, is there a medicine that can make people survive without asking for death?"

Master Yun Yun lost a white porcelain bottle to the Soviet Union.

Sue looked at the label above.

"Nine thousand days of tears?" Su Luo looked puzzled at Master.

Master Rong Yun chuckled: "The literal meaning, can't read?"

"The literal meaning, that is to say, nine thousand days of tears?" Su Luo looked at Master Yun Yun.

Master Rong Yun nodded.

Su Luo suddenly laughed.

This is really a good medicine!

This is to let the seven elders cry for nine thousand days.

I will use the tears of nine thousand **** nights and nights to repent for his own mistakes.


Su Luo gave Master Rong Yun a sweet and brilliant smile.

Master Rong Yun was extremely used and shook his fan with a smile.

The master of the city has a look at the master Yun Yun, black face.

What smiles, what is funny?

Master Rong Yun proudly carried his chin and slung the city master: Do you have the ability to let you fall?

Humph! The urban master snorted and turned his face awkwardly.

Not to mention that the two strong adults secretly come to me to fight for jealousy, but say seven elders.

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