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The seven elders are about to be suffocated by the Soviet Union.

Cried for a full nine thousand days, this is simply not as good as death!

"You killed me and killed me!" The seven elders were violent.

However, how could Su Luo kill him so easily?

The eyes of the Soviet Union looked at the six elders.

The six elders nodded.

"Give it to me, and make sure he cries nine thousand **** nights!" The six elders made a military order.

Isn't there a three elders?

If a sheep is catching two sheep, it is better to catch it.

With the six elders to ensure the fall, you can rest assured.

Then the seven elders were taken down.

Things will come to an end here.

Everyone was congratulated to the master of the city, Master Yun Yun and Su Luo left.

The master of the city looked at Master Yun Yun and snorted.

He did not catch up with Master Yun.

Because he is very clear, and will drive away Yun Yun, the little girl in the Soviet Union will definitely follow him.

Su Luo suddenly remembered a very important thing at this time.

"Master, righteous father, let's go and take a break. If you have something to say later, I will go to save the brother."

After saying this, Su Luo flew away in general.

Su Luo took the six elders and ran straight to the castle of Luo's brother.

At this time, Su Luo had time to ask the six elders: "Luo brother, still alive?"

She was three months late.

The six elders sighed: "There is a last breath."

In order to save this last breath, the six elders really fight, and the medicinal materials that have been collected for many years have been used by him.

Susie was ecstatic, and she rushed in.

Ouyang interest did not go to see the life and death of the Soviet Union and the worry-free, so he did not know that Su Luo now has become a fork.

Ouyang saw the fall, and his face suddenly pulled down.

He stopped at the door and prevented the Soviets from coming in.

"Let's get out!" Su Luo stared at him coldly.

When is this all the time, still blocking her to save the brothers?

"You can't come in!" Ouyang sighed with hatred.

"Get out of the way!" The Soviet Union slammed Ouyang’s neck and slammed it to the side, then strode into it.

However, before she took a few steps, she saw Ouyang’s palm hit her back.

Su was angry and turned to yell at him: "What are you doing?

At the same time as speaking, Su Luo took a shot and shot Ouyang.

Ouyang took a breath of blood, but still steadily ran to the inner door and blocked the Soviet Union.

His mouth was full of blood, his chest was violently ups and downs, his eyes were dead and screaming: "You don't even lend me the points, what are you doing here?!"

"Get out!"

"No, you are not qualified to see Luo brother, the person who wants to get out is you!"

At this time, the big-eyed brother and Li Manman came over.

The big-eyed brother and Li Manman saw the Soviet Union, the eyelids violently contracted, and almost gave it.

"Su, Su Luo..." For a time, the big-eyed brothers were a little overwhelmed.

They are also among the onlookers.

Just now, they witnessed the arrival of the city's adults, and also saw how the masters of the city and Master Yun Yun were so fond of the fall.

That is simply no favor.

The urban master is almost to give the Purgatory City to the Soviet Union to play... the whole refining, prison, city!

"What do you do with Ouyang?!"

The big-eyed brother scared the heart almost to shrink, and he yelled at Ouyang.

A few of the big-eyed brothers rushed up, using both hands and feet to hold the Ouyang interest.

They are not afraid that the Soviet Union will kill the Ouyang interest, because they know that the Soviet Union is a human being.

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