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Xiaomeihua was so anxious that she shed tears and screamed at the communication. "You don't come! I don't allow you! Come and try it! Hey-"

Su Luo is really anxious and angry at the moment.

While she is ignorant of her six gods -

The familiar warm voice passed into the ear.

"You want to sting?"

Nangong Liu Yun mouth with a smile, Wen Sheng asked.

The heart of Su Luo’s high hanging suddenly jumped: “Nangong, how are you? What happened? Are you okay?”

Su is behind regret!

I knew that the father had brought back the Nangong Liuyun, and now his situation... Susie thought about it and regretted it.

When I was in the world of Bai Ze, if it was not for the protection of her, the shadowing adults would not have to stand up, and they would not be suspected by the Queen and the Queen.

Su Lian’s question of slamming was thrown out.

The Nangong stream is like a lotus-like beauty, with a slight curvature.

He leaned on the mattress, his face was pale, but his eyebrows were more and more eye-catching, white and jade, pure and clear.

"Don't worry, you have to say one sentence at a time." Nangong Liuyun laughed, his voice was soft and soft, with a full of pets, as always.

"Are you injured?" Su Luo thought that Xiaomeihua was crying like that, she was almost dying in her heart, and could not wait to fly to the sting.

Nangong Liuyun's eyelids are slightly closed, and the white-eyed jade looks like a messy hair.

The cold sweat on his forehead smashed out and condensed into beads, rolling and falling.

I saw him smirk, and the laughter was very gentle: "Injured? Do you think your family may be injured?"

When Nangong Liuyun said this sentence, he heard a repressed sob.

His eyes flew like a small plum blossom!

Xiaomeihua is instantly like a point of acupuncture, and even forgets to breathe.

However, when her eyes saw the quilt that was stained with blood on the bed, and the cold sweat on the forehead of Nangong Liuyun, the paler face became more and more pale-

Her "wow-" sound has not yet come out, Nangong Liuyun finger movement, volley need to point!


A subtle voice passed, Xiaomei had a hole in her forehead, and she fainted on the spot.

The Nangong Liuyun’s little spiritual power is so close that it consumes light, and because of the movement of the fingers, the wound is affected.

嘶 南 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——

"What's wrong?" Su Luo did not know the situation, and asked urgently.

Nangong Liuyun was unable to open his mouth because of severe pain. He turned off the communication and then gasped with a big mouth.

The wound that had been stopped was cracked, the blood rushed out, and the sweat dampened the bed.

Sweat mixed with blood, that taste... quite ecstasy.

Su did not know the situation, called for a long time no response, only to find that the communication 珏 turned off!

Su Luo quickly connected again -

After about a tea break, Nangong Liuyun was connected.

Su Luo quickly said: "How suddenly it broke, you do not have important things, if it is, then I..."

"Not busy." The light of the Nangong Liuyun Qingquan flashed a smile. "What is more important than you?"

"How can the communication be broken?" Su Luo confirmed that the sound of Nangong Liuyun was as calm as before, and his heart slowly fell.

"The signal is not good." Nangong Liuyun casually made an excuse.


PS: No. 20 has been updated.

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