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Since Nangong Liuyun said that the signal was not good, then Su Luo would barely accept this excuse.

"You have to take care of yourself."

"Yeah." Hearing that Su Luo took the initiative to care for himself, Nangong Liuyun's eyebrows were all smiles.

"The righteous father has already killed the Queen, and I don't know if it is finished... I still go to see you."

"Your righteous father has left." Think of the previous scene, Nangong Liuyun is also laughing.

Her Majesty the Emperor is graceful and luxurious, what is the result?

The master of the city suddenly came down from the sky.

He stood in the air, and a loud thunderous sound sounded through the clouds.

"get out--"

Just three simple words, but let the thorns of thousands of buildings, all of them rushed into the powder.

At that time, what did the Queen of the Queen do? Can you question his relationship with Su Luo?

Nangong Liuyun clearly remembered Empress's expression at the time.

Panic, fear, panic -

These three adjectives have also appeared on the face of Her Majesty, which is rare.

Her Majesty's face was pale, and she subconsciously wanted to slip away, but she immediately stood still. She said in her mouth: "Forbidden, the palace is forbidden!"

The protection left by the former spurred leader is forbidden, and the defense is the master of the city and Master Yun Yun!

Her Majesty’s face restored a trace of blood.

However, at this time -

A huge giant in the palm of your hand!

For a time, the sky shook and the earth fell apart, as if the whole world suddenly collapsed!

The ban on the palace, shaking three times, and finally like a punctuated balloon, hula la is leaking.

Even the predecessor of the swearing sergeant, he did not expect that the lords of the city had such adventures in these decades, and the stagflation was rampant, and the prohibition he left behind could not stop the urban master.

Over the magnificent palace, it is forbidden to be destroyed.

The face of the thorny queen is instantly pale and snowy!

On the ground, the Nangong Liuyun smashed the cloud satin robes, the clothes were **** and mottled, and the three thousand hairs like the ink drooped, covering the beautiful and innocent picturesque face, and also covering the intoxicating smile of his eyes.

Master... It’s really amazing. Nangong Liuyun sighed.

Seeing that it was forbidden to be destroyed, Her Majesty’s horror, she had no choice but to take care of the other. She waved her hand and the throne became a dark tunnel.

She wants to run away!

Nangong Liuyun smiled and shook his head.

How can you escape in front of the city owner?

Sure enough, it was the moment when Her Majesty was about to enter the secret road.

Rumble -

The palace of thousands of years of history, the glory of the throne -

The palace collapsed.

That god-like hand is the ankle of the card queen.

"Ah!" Her Majesty screamed in panic!

At this time, countless black people saw that their great empress, Her Majesty, was actually caught in the ankle, hanging down in the air!

The high is on, the graceful, expensive, majestic Queen, wearing a long skirt -

Being slammed by people -

This scene almost illuminates the eyes of this group of black people!

The urban master did not open the killing.

This group of black people, he did not kill, because there is no interest. Even Her Majesty the Queen, if she didn't provoke a small drop, he wouldn't even give her a look, let alone murder in person.

Poor Queen Majesty.

Because the previous avatar was destroyed, her strength has been greatly reduced, and now the real body is again carried by the city owner, the face is thrown! ! !

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