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"You can't kill me! You swear!" Her Majesty yelled!

Her avatar has been destroyed, and the deity can't die anymore!

However, the urban master is crying coldly.

Then a slap on her head!

How powerful is the master of the city?

His strength has long since surpassed this material continent and has become the supreme being!

The head of Her Majesty’s head burst instantly—

The Empress succumbed to the next death, and the urban master immediately went away, just like from the future.

However, shortly after the departure of the urban master -

The eyebrows of Nangong Liuyun jumped slightly.

Because he saw the body of Her Majesty the Emperor... It was suddenly in the public, suddenly disappeared.

Even him, he was not aware of the anomaly.

It stands to reason that Her Majesty’s strength is not weak, and it’s impossible for a master of the city’s master to catch up, but she’s so clean and neat... There’s nothing wrong with it.

"Nangong Liuyun! Nangong Liuyun!" Su Luo saw Nangong Liuyun did not return her words for a long time, could not help but anxious.

The call of a voice finally brought the Nangong Liuyun back to reality.

"Your righteous father came to kill the Queen, but - this matter is another flaw, now you can't come to stab." Nangong Liuyun voice is serious and serious, "I will soon go to the extraterritorial battlefield, when I see the field battlefield ""

Extraterrestrial battlefield?

The treasure that her mother gave her is on the battlefield outside the field. Now, is the Nangong Liuyun going to the extraterrestrial battlefield? that's nice--

"That's good! See you in the field battlefield, you have to take care of yourself." Su Xiao smile sweet.

Nangong Liuyun’s eyes narrowed up because he sensed a footstep that made him disgusted.


The door opened in response.

Nangong Liuyun is now seriously injured and is unable to stop.

The distant kings pushed in.

Nangong Liuyun left a message to the Soviet Union over the black communication ,, "Look back."

Then slammed the conversation quickly.

"What are you doing so fast?" Su Luo saw the name of the gray cloud of Nangong, frowning.

However, since she has confirmed that Nangong Liuyun is fine, she is relieved.

Just waiting for the field battlefield to meet him and fight with him.

There is also the swearing Queen's Majesty...

Oh, I didn’t expect that the majesty of Her Majesty, in front of the righteous father, would be like a chicken, but unfortunately, she did not have the chance to fight with the Queen, she could not personally revenge, always felt What is missing.

Poor Su, she didn't know... This opportunity may not be there.


Su Luo looked down at his right hand.

She has never liked to wear jewelry, but now she has a beautiful Phoenix tail ring.

Although the phoenix tail ring is exquisite and beautiful, the light color is dim and unobtrusive.

Su Luo was extremely confused. Where is this Phoenix tail ring coming from? She remembered that before the Shangcheng main palace, she was very delicate and empty.

Su Luo suddenly remembered that when Master and the righteous father left, they embraced her separately.

Was it at that time, this phoenix tail ring put her finger on it?

The more you want to fall, the more likely you are.

Su Luo used the spiritual power to sense the phoenix tail.

"Oh--" The beautiful face of the Soviet Union brought a touch of laughter.

It is still a space ring that is unbound.

When Su Luo just sensed, he sensed the familiar atmosphere - Master!

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