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"Cut, I said, these five people are too weak, and sure enough!" Bai Qi sneered.

Baishan has an interesting puzzle in his eyes: "Big brother, these people can bear enmity with the Blue Eagle elders, and the strength should not be too bad."

Because the matter of a month ago was blocked by the elders of the Blue Eagle, Baishan and Bai Qi did not know that Beichen Ying had a tie with the elders of the Blue Eagle, while Su Luo stumbled the elders of the Blue Eagle.

"Whether they have strength, they have to die, so, why do you want so much?" Bai Qi did not look good at his brother.

"Poor three teammates..." Baishan sighed.

The three teammates, the strength is not very good, the Baiqi Baishan brothers have long wanted to take them out, and now this opportunity is just right.

Bai Qi sneered: "Come on, turn over the front of the mountain, is the place where the flame squad is infested, the Blue Eagle team ambushes here, we also ambush, let these eight people go to the flame squad!"

"Big brother's trick!" Baishan praised.

He was very sorry to see Zi Yan: This little girl, he fell in love, but a pity...

Bai Qi and Bai Shan hid in the foothills and wiped away traces in an instant. If they were not the mighty monarchs, they would not find two people hidden in the mountains.

Waiting for eight people to arrive -

"Hey, where did the captain go?" The three players looked at each other with a faint glimmer of color.

Zi Yan and Bei Chen Ying are watching Su Luo, they are all smart, how can you not think of Bai Qi captain's poisonous plan?

Su Luo touched his chin.

"Haha, look at it, the fire of the sky appears, the flame squad inducted the Mozu provocateurs, and it will appear." Bai Qi said to Baishan.

There was a hint of excitement in the eyes of Baishan: "The good show is coming."

The blue eagle squad leader, the blue eagle elder, who has been ambushed here, has a sneer and bloodthirsty sneer at the moment.

Dare to offend Laozi? Oh, see how you die this time!

All ten of the Blue Eagle team, all of them looked at Su Luo and others coldly, waiting for the fire squad to burn them into coke and turn them into powder.

At this time, Su Luo looked at the magnificent fire cloud in the sky.

"A beautiful **** yang, very artistic." Zi Yan eyes squatted, admiring this rare beauty, and sighed again and again.

"Ha ha ha, this group of idiots! Actually still sighed and burned the cloud, I really don't know how to write the dead words!"

When Bai Qibaishan and others heard the purple scorpion, if they were not ambushing, they were all laughing.

Sure enough, it is a rookie, I don’t understand anything.

It’s true that the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger. In this way, they dare to mix in the battlefield outside the field. This is really...

"The more beautiful the sun, the greater the lethality." Su Luo is understanding people, her next sentence, but a group of people in the mountains are collectively discolored.

"Destructive power?" Purple eyes flashed a trace of suspiciousness, but when she saw a dark shadow in the sky, this group of black shadows driving in the clouds, she understood.

"Our 99 squad is doing auxiliary work, not to mention the fact that the captain is no longer there. We can't be hard-hitting?" So, Sue naturally greeted his companions, "Let's hurry to the mountains."

After that, the five people in the Fall are like meteors, flying into the mountains and disappearing instantly on the grasslands.

White Qi almost 骂 mother!

This group of idiots! The mountain is very small, can you hide a few people? !

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