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According to normal circumstances, when the flame squad appeared, shouldn't they escape? Going back to the original road?

This is too miscalculated!

The three players were still stupidly standing in the same place, and they waited until the five people disappeared, but they all reacted, but everything was late.

The three poor players handed in the fire to the ten-man team.

This is clearly a situation that must be lost. How can we fight?

Puff puff--

Soon, the battle is over.

The three poor players have just put their lives here.

After the fire squad solved the three people, all ten people looked at the direction of the mountain in front of them.

"Oh." Flame captain Huo Yunkou issued a disdainful sneer, he made an offensive gesture: "kill!"

For a time, the flame squad all rushed into the mountains.

White Qi heart straight in the mother!

How the **** person has not died yet!

Su Luo smiled coldly.

Not to say that they are auxiliary, is the Blue Eagle team the main force? How can the main force not come out to fight? Is it because the five people are dead, is it late?

The Soviet search for a while, not to mention the blue eagle elders hiding place.


Su Luo grabbed a handful of mud from the space and flew directly to the head of the Blue Eagle elder.

The action of the Soviet Union directly engraved a mark on the head of the Blue Eagle elder.

The flame squad was not stupid. They searched for the sound and quickly found the mud of the Blue Eagle elder.

The captain of the fire cloud flashed a trace of mistake: "Hey, isn't this the famous blue eagle elder?"

His tone is full of excitement like never before.

You must know that the Blue Eagle elders have always been pampered, and rarely come out to fight. The merits of the first team are all brushed out by the real masters of his team.

The eagles elders wiped the mud on their foreheads and angered: "Who, who threw me? Get out!"

However, a few of Su Luo’s smiles, but they did not say anything.

Even if the blue eagle elders are excluded, the Blue Eagle squad is only weaker than the fire squad and does not need them to shoot.

Even if they shoot, they will be jokes by the Blue Eagle team. Why bother to come out? So the Soviets have a few wait and see.

The flame captain’s fire cloud smiled coldly: “Live the blue eagle!”

The nine people behind him rushed like a wolf.

The Blue Eagle team, known as the first team, is not a joke.

The members of the Blue Eagle elders, the top masters.

For a time, the two sides fought together!

If time permits, as long as the Blue Eagle team is available for an hour, they will be able to annihilate the Flame squad, but -

Soon, another group of black shadows rushed over.

This is another ten-person squad, known as the Bear Lion squad!

The bear lion team, the human brain, the bear head, and the lion body are combined.

Some people's intelligence, the bear's majestic, the lion's mighty. Each one is like a diamond man, a natural power, best at close combat!

The Xiongshi squad is easy to distinguish from the shape, this is the Mozu squad.

When the elders of the Blue Eagle looked at it, they suddenly looked pale!

"The devil actually came to two teams, hateful!" Blue Eagle elders secretly.

Captain Huoyun sneered: "You humans are not two teams? Don't think we don't know!"

The captain of the Blue Eagle was in a state of silence.

They are indeed two teams, but one of them is... the penultimate 99 team! Can that compare with the Bear Lions team? what? Can you compare?

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